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Full Version: V5 beta Apr-13-2023 available now

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From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
31 Dec 2023   [#179] In reply to [#178]
Hi Michael,

Just wanted to write a little reminder if you would be so kind to please add the Centroid Triangulation option as a checkbox to MoI's export dialog, instead of having it hidden away in the MoI.ini file.

Here's the discussion about the subject:

Many thanks!
From: Michael Gibson
31 Dec 2023   [#180] In reply to [#179]
Hi Metin, one reason I have not done that yet is that I'm trying pretty hard to prevent the UI in MoI from getting bloated and complex as naturally tends to occur.

So I often hesitate and tend to be pretty conservative about accumulating too much stuff in the UI.

One thing that could help is if I could remove any control for meshing which is not really being used, perhaps "Aspect ratio limit" ?

Thanks, - Michael
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
1 Jan   [#181] In reply to [#180]
Hi Michael,

I understand.

In my humble opinion, Centroid Triangulation is a significant option for meshing, particularly in case of higher polygon counts. It often allows meshes to be ready for sculpting and/or deformation in Blender, ZBrush or 3D-Coat without further retopology.

I almost never use Aspect Ratio Limit, so I'd be fine with seeing that removed and having the Centroid Triangulation option instead.

I do always use all other options in the export dialog, except for Aspect Ratio Limit.

From: Wm
2 Jan   [#182]
Hi Michael,

Re: Deform to Sphere, Deleted Posts 11310.10 and 11311.11.

Original Question...

I'm trying to understand why in beta Version 5b...when you click Done after Deform-Flow, the Flow process just starts calculating again. In Version 4 the command stops immediately. That is confusing to me. I'm experimenting with your Bell Flat_flow.3dm file.

Is that a bug or is that just the way it works?

From: Michael Gibson
2 Jan   [#183] In reply to [#182]
Hi Wm,

> I'm trying to understand why in beta Version 5b...when you click Done after Deform-Flow,
> the Flow process just starts calculating again. In Version 4 the command stops immediately.
> That is confusing to me. I'm experimenting with your Bell Flat_flow.3dm file.

The different behavior from v4 looks like is caused by the introduction of Groups in v5, there is some processing that happens to support groups which as a side effect triggers a final update even if there was a previous update.

> Is that a bug or is that just the way it works?

I guess it's a bug since the final update for processing groups shouldn't need to be done if there are not any groups being transformed.

It's not a particularly harmful bug though, it may run the risk of messing up group handling to fiddle with it.

Support for groups involved some pretty big changes throughout the system.

- Michael
From: Wm
3 Jan   [#184] In reply to [#183]

Thank you for the explanation. I was just curious and didn't want this to go unnoticed

From: blackboard
5 Jan   [#185]
Hi,i think i found bug,if i fillet acis tube,he do wrong shanding


Image Attachments:
photo_2024-01-05_15-02-08.jpg  photo_2024-01-05_15-04-53.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
5 Jan   [#186] In reply to [#185]
Hi blackboard, thanks for reporting this fillet bug, it seems to be a bug in ACIS in converting an n-sided fillet vertex blend specialized surface into a generic NURBS surface.

I'll need to send the bug in to ACIS, in the meantime I should be able to make an alternate type of conversion for these areas like in the attached version.

Thanks, - Michael


From: AlexPolo
8 Jan   [#187]
Hi Michael,

Open large MOI file via network shared drive hang in scanning mode. I work via a QNAP fileserver as I have various machines setup for design and machining. Recently upgraded to December release BETA and I now get this scanning hang issue - was never a problem before opening large files over the network. If I copy the file to local location file opens without scanning no problem.

any thoughts


Image Attachments:
file size.png  scanning.png 

From: Michael Gibson
8 Jan   [#188] In reply to [#187]
Hi Alex, there hasn't been any changes in file loading for quite some time.

Did you recently change any of your network infrastructure?

I don't think there is much I can do about network access being slow, that's pretty much out of the app's control.

- Michael
From: AlexPolo
10 Jan   [#189]
Hi Michael, I rolled back MOI to V4 and no problem in opening files across network. I have 2 other slave workstations 1 with win 10 other win 11 I never updated MOI on those running v4 and files open across network no problem. On the QNAP file server I havent done any firmware upgrades on that either for quite some time. For now Ill keep working in MOIv4 - maybe some security permissions as the program is beta? not sure

Image Attachments:
moi beta.png  moi4.png 

From: Michael Gibson
10 Jan   [#190] In reply to [#189]
Hi Alex, can you please send me an e-mail at ? I'll prepare some test builds of earlier v5 versions if you are willing to test them out to hopefully pinpoint what caused the change in network behavior.

- Michael
From: archetype (FABIENF)
7 Feb   [#191]
I only started using any of the V5 betas in the last few weeks. Running the Dec-1-2023 beta right now, I notice a considerable lag navigating the viewports and the UI in general. The exact same file will feel more sluggisch in V5 compared to V4. I don't know what changed to cause this (perhaps the grouping functionality?). Also, I can hear the fans of my Macbook Pro spin up when working, which it never did on V4.

Any thoughts?
From: Michael Gibson
7 Feb   [#192] In reply to [#191]
Hi Fabien, can you please e-mail me ( your moi.ini file?

Also is it an Intel or ARM machine?

Thanks, - Michael
From: pafurijaz
7 Feb   [#193]
Same thing with Linux WineHQ, I can't use version 5 and I've tried everything, we've already exchanged messages but none of this has ever resolved anything.
From: svenster
7 Feb   [#194] In reply to [#193]
FWIW, I've been running Moi3D on Ubuntu 20.04 under Wine since version 7 without incident. Currently running Moi3D V5 with Wine development version (9.1) which I've been doing for a few years as I found performance was better without any reliability problems. In the beginning I would thinker with moi.ini settings, but for quite some time have been running defaults as it just seems to work. The only very small nuisance is the "view controls window" which sometimes will stay in foreground of native Linux apps, but it is harmless. I would try restoring defaults in both Moi3D & Wine.

From: bemfarmer
15 Feb   [#195]
Crash occurs for my .3dm file, in MoI5beta, and in MoI4,

If there is one or more construction lines active,

and if an attempt is made to change General > Unit system: (from feet to meters, or vice versa)

Crash report was sent, and also emailed.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
15 Feb   [#196] In reply to [#195]
A simple rectangle in MoI4, plus a couple of construction lines, and NO dimensions added, also causes a crash.

I was using shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+C _ConstructionLine
(maybe that is the problem?)

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
15 Feb   [#197]
So I guess my question is, where is the documentation of how to create and do a construction line.

Where is the latest construction line script. (mine looks like 2009 version?)

- Brian

ConstructionLine3 link:
From: Michael Gibson
16 Feb   [#198] In reply to [#197]
Hi Brian, thanks for reporting this crash. I think I've got a fix, I've sent you a test build.

> So I guess my question is, where is the documentation of how to create and do a construction line.

The construction line docs are here:

> Where is the latest construction line script. (mine looks like 2009 version?)

I think there are links here:

- Michael

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