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Full Version: V5 beta Apr-13-2023 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
17 Sep 2023   [#157] In reply to [#156]
Hi Lewis, thanks for testing that. Does your model happen to have some large individual surfaces in it?

I think the GUI stutters are probably when it's blocking waiting for the current in progress meshing to finish being canceled. I think I should be able to improve this, I will try.

- Michael
From: Death
21 Sep 2023   [#158] In reply to [#157]
Graphics driver?
From: Lewis3D
25 Sep 2023   [#159]
Thanks Michael,
every optimization/speed-up is always welcome :).
From: prince (PRINCOROYAL)
22 Oct 2023   [#160]
I hope you all doing good
will be there some surface continuity feature , like between network surfaces ( patches ) in the new v5 of moi (like in rhino) ( controlling continuity when patching with already existing edge )
its a really helpful when surfacing some large complex surfaces like cars
Thank you
have a good day all
From: Michael Gibson
22 Oct 2023   [#161] In reply to [#160]
Hi prince, sorry no there isn't any new surfacing with continuity functions expected for MoI v5.

MoI is not really focused on that type of "fill things in patch by patch" style of NURBS modeling because it's a rather advanced and finicky area.

You'll need to use some other CAD program for that type of surfacing.

But usually when you want things to be continuous it is better to make one large extended surface instead of separate pieces. Either that or the other alternative is to do that type of model as a sub-d model and convert it into continuous surfaces using the Subd import converter.

- Michael
From: prince (PRINCOROYAL)
22 Oct 2023   [#162] In reply to [#161]
Thank you Micheal
I used to do some CARS in blender , but working inside moi is just waaaaaaaaay better for me than other software
Importing subd is also a good idea for better precision in some operations like boolean
Thank you again
have a good night
From: SinceV1
7 Nov 2023   [#163]
Hello Michael,

Will Export to 3MF be available in V5?

It sure would be helpful for additive creators like me. Thanks!

All my best-
MOI since V1
From: Michael Gibson
7 Nov 2023   [#164] In reply to [#163]

> Will Export to 3MF be available in V5?

Probably not for v5 but I have it on my radar to look into.

- Michael
From: c3g (LONG)
25 Nov 2023   [#165] In reply to [#161]
Hi!Michael,I quite agreeMoI is not really focused on that type of "fill things in patch by patch" style of NURBS modeling because it's a rather advanced and finicky area.But usually when you want things to be continuous it is better to make one large extended surface instead of separate pieces. Either that or the other alternative is to do that type of model as a sub-d model and convert it into continuous surfaces using the Subd import converter.It is very necessary for beginners to supplement the problem, can you do a tutorial or recommended tutorial on expanding the surface or sub-d method, I find many on the Internet are fast forward, novice completely unable to understand and learn this kind of supplement skills.I think moi is very good, mainly the problem of multilateral complement and surface continuity, which has been bothering me.
From: Michael Gibson
25 Nov 2023   [#166] In reply to [#165]
Hi c3g,

> can you do a tutorial or recommended tutorial on expanding the surface or sub-d method

There is a good introduction video to how sub-d works here:

- Michael
From: cyanayc
29 Nov 2023   [#167] In reply to [#1]
Hi Michael.
Any news on the release date of V5?
From: Michael Gibson
29 Nov 2023   [#168] In reply to [#167]
Hi cyanayc,

> Any news on the release date of V5?

Maybe right near the end of the year, not 100% sure though.

- Michael
From: Lewis3D
19 Dec 2023   [#169]
Hi Michael,

Is there a chance to update 3dm importer in Moi ?
I'm getting more and more *.3dm v7 file formats from Rhino and i can't open them in Moi which is still stuck at v5 of 3dm file format :(.

From: Michael Gibson
19 Dec 2023   [#170] In reply to [#169]
Hi Lewis, I'm sorry but it will be pretty difficult to update to a new .3dm importer with every new release of Rhino.

Currently it's not planned. But I have made a free conversion utility that can convert Rhino v6 or v7 .3dm files into a v5 .3dm file that can then be opened with MoI.

It's available here:

- Michael
From: Lewis3D
19 Dec 2023   [#171]
Hi Michael,

Thanks for quick reply.
I just tried this converter and I have 2 problems with it.

1. it just dumps _v5 file, no save as or progress bar (weird but ok i can live with that).
2. It's not loaded completely (I'm trying to convert chair 3d model and i got only frame but soft cushioning is not visible in Moi after conversion). So basically moi is not opening it correctly after conversion or conversion is bad.

I can send you model if you wish to test ?
From: Michael Gibson
19 Dec 2023   [#172] In reply to [#171]
Hi Lewis,

> 1. it just dumps _v5 file, no save as or progress bar (weird but ok i can live with that).

Right, that's because it takes a lot of work to make functionality like progress bars, this is just a bare bones utility program that isn't focused on having any UI.

> 2. It's not loaded completely (I'm trying to convert chair 3d model and i got only frame
> but soft cushioning is not visible in Moi after conversion). So basically moi is not opening
> it correctly after conversion or conversion is bad.

Most likely the soft cushioning is some kind of object type that MoI does not support like a polygon mesh object.

Moi only reads NURBS and annotation type objects from .3dm files, not every kind of thing that Rhino can store in them.

> I can send you model if you wish to test ?

Sure you can e-mail it to me at, you may need to use a file sharing service if it's very large.

But it's very likely that it's polygon mesh data that MoI is not designed to work on.

- Michael
From: blackboard
20 Dec 2023   [#173]
Hi Michael,i have question about adding new ACIS core,it will be help to fastly delete fillets without losing the original shape before fillet?

And if there is such a function, when will it be released? at the very end when the ACIS "press pull" function will be added?
From: Michael Gibson
20 Dec 2023   [#174] In reply to [#173]
Hi blackboard,

> Hi Michael,i have question about adding new ACIS core,it will be help to fastly delete fillets
> without losing the original shape before fillet?

I think so but I have not had a chance to evaluate that particular area yet.

Some ACIS functions are separated out into optional modules which I am not licensing.

> And if there is such a function, when will it be released? at the very end when the
> ACIS "press pull" function will be added?

I don't know exactly when that area will be released, but possibly not until MoI v6, the main target functions for using ACIS in the MoI v5 timeframe are fillet, chamfer, shelling, offset and face transforms.

- Michael
From: pafurijaz
21 Dec 2023   [#175] In reply to [#174]
Hi Micheal, this functionality shown in the video below is also included in the license package you have for ACIS for Moi3D?

From: Michael Gibson
21 Dec 2023   [#176] In reply to [#175]
Hi pafurijaz,

> Hi Micheal, this functionality shown in the video below is also included in the license package you have for ACIS for Moi3D?


- Michael

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