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Full Version: V5 beta Apr-13-2023 available now

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From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
13 May 2023   [#105]
Hi Michael,

A quick question,

in MOI do we have a command to change normal of the surfaces. ( I have a model when I import it in 123D design in there there are some faces that become invisible, although MOI says it is a solid mesh I think it is because of the normal of the faces.)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 May 2023   [#106] In reply to [#105]
You can use VDrop and V Orient by Max Smirnov
for see normals of "One" surface and orient them
From: Michael Gibson
13 May 2023   [#107] In reply to [#105]
Hi Psygorn,

> in MOI do we have a command to change normal of the surfaces.

There is a Flip command that can reverse the surface normal direction on an open surface:

But it won't do anything on a closed solid because solids are automatically oriented with normals pointing outwards from the solid volume.

> although MOI says it is a solid mesh I think it is because of the normal of the faces.)

It's more likely that there's some kind of problem in the trimming boundaries of those faces.

It's hard to know what's going on without being able to test with the actual geometry though, can you please post it or e-mail it to me at

Thanks, - Michael
From: blowlamp
15 May 2023   [#108]
Hi Michael.

I ran into a problem with the Edit Frame when using it to mirror an ellipse. Both need to be tangent to one another for later trimming, so the mirror needs to be accurate.
It seems the correct bounding box dimensions are available in the Edit Size box, but MoI is not using them in this instance. The linked video shows the problem quite well.

From: Michael Gibson
15 May 2023   [#109] In reply to [#108]
Hi Martin,

> It seems the correct bounding box dimensions are available in the Edit Size box, but MoI is not using them
> in this instance. The linked video shows the problem quite well.

Thanks for reporting this bug, I can repeat it over here and have put it on my list to investigate.

For now to complete your drawing you can use the BoundingBox command followed by Transform > Mirror to get the precise mirrored result.

- Michael
From: blowlamp
15 May 2023   [#110] In reply to [#109]
Thanks for checking this out and thanks for the BoundingBox tip. ;-)

From: blackboard
15 May 2023   [#111]
Hello Michael
The latest version has a feature that interferes a little with the process. This is Alt+Click when executing commands. In general, the problem is that when drawing, say, a circle, with Alt held down (to disable all bindings), a guide is now drawn. And it's incredibly infuriating I climbed everything, tried everything. but I can't turn it off.
From: Michael Gibson
15 May 2023   [#112] In reply to [#111]
Hi blackboard, thanks for reporting that Alt modifier key bug, I'm investigating it.

- Michael
From: blackboard
18 May 2023   [#113]
Hey,Michael, can you say pls when will the next beta come out?
Already have an estimated release date?
From: Michael Gibson
18 May 2023   [#114] In reply to [#113]
Hi blackboard,

> Hey,Michael, can you say pls when will the next beta come out?

It will be as soon as I've fixed some bugs I'm working on. I don't know how long that will take, sorry.

> Already have an estimated release date?


- Michael
From: blowlamp
20 May 2023   [#115]
Greetings all.

I don't know if Im missing something, but does Revolve only work with positive angle numbers?
I want to do a 90 deg revolve of a circle to make a kind of elbow shape between 12 O'Clock and 3 O'Clock as shown in green in the attached video,
How do I get MoI to do that without resorting to use Rail Revolve, as -90 deg is ignored by the 'simple' Revolve tool?

Many thanks.
From: Michael Gibson
20 May 2023   [#116] In reply to [#115]
Hi Martin, if you reverse the direction of the picked points that for the axis that will also reverse the direction of the revolve.

So like currently you're picking the start of the axis at the center point and then the 2nd point for it upwards along the z axis.

Instead pick the 2nd point downwards on the z axis to reverse it.

It would be a good idea if it did support a negative angle though, I have put that on my list to look at.

- Michael

Message 11056.117 was deleted

From: blowlamp
20 May 2023   [#118] In reply to [#116]
Thanks Michael, reversing the rotation axis picks points does indeed do the job. If you do have time to include negative angles, then I would certainly appreciate that.

From: blowlamp
22 May 2023   [#119]
Hi Michael.
I've been helping out a prospective purchaser of MoI and he seems to have found a bug when revolving a closed profile. I've included a short video of the problem. If the axis of rotation is set very slightly away from the profile, then it works as expected.

From: Michael Gibson
22 May 2023   [#120] In reply to [#119]
Hi Martin,

> I've been helping out a prospective purchaser of MoI and he seems to have found a bug when revolving a closed profile.

Currently the profile to revolve can only have one coinicdent line of contact with the revolve axis.

A case like this with 2 lines in contact would need to generate a solid with a void region inside of it. Revolve doesn't know how to make that kind of result currently.

To get the desired result, you'll instead need to have 2 separate profile curves like this:

Then when those are revolved that will make 2 solids. Then boolean difference can be used with the inner solid as the cutting object to make a single solid with an internal cavity.

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: blowlamp
23 May 2023   [#121] In reply to [#120]
Thanks for the explanation, Michael.

From: Przemas
2 Jun 2023   [#122]
I've tried launching installer for this beta under WINE, but for some reason it fails - I get a blank, black window. For previous version it worked (but on the other hand I've updated the system since then.... at least I've tried running it in the same wine env).

edit: after some fiddling and switching to Wine 8 I was able to start the installer successfully. I've got the same problem with MoI4 installer, which previously worked correctly - so it's not MoI thing, but rather my configuration, WINE / Linux thing. On the positive note - after installing it seems to work beautifully , so I should be able to do some minor cad work when only my laptop is available.
From: blackboard
25 Jun 2023   [#123]
Hello Michael,Do you already have a date for an approximate release of the update?
From: Michael Gibson
25 Jun 2023   [#124] In reply to [#123]
Hi blackboard,

> Hello Michael,Do you already have a date for an approximate release of the update?

Sorry no not yet.

- Michael

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