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Full Version: Save image from MOI

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From: pagliaso
22 Oct 2007   [#1]

The "rendering" engine of MOI is amazing.

I would like to have an image of my model as shown shaded in the 3D view of MOI, and print it in big format (A2).

I know that you can capture the screen output using the print screen, but I think that this will produce a low resolution image that won't have enough quality to be printed in big format.

I wonder if there is a way in which I could have my poster printed with the view in MOI.

Thanks in advance for any answer.


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Oct 2007   [#2] In reply to [#1]
Just a little thing : you can have a little more big image if you use the full screen without panel of menus :)
From: Michael Gibson
22 Oct 2007   [#3] In reply to [#1]
Hi Alberto, I may be able to add a script method that will render a larger image of the viewport and copy it to the clipboard, I'm giving it a try.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
22 Oct 2007   [#4]
ps you can try to use this new incredible free prog on line!
from your original to maxi 2880 * 2880
how to

Another thing about prints : if your original image has "jaggie" : resolution is nothing only pixels is important!
in photoshop or other : "progressive outline" 4*4 pixels and cross over the image for erase "jaggies"
with a 4096*4096 you can make prints 4 * 3 meters without any problem ! (if you have erased jaggies)
so with 2880 * 2880 you can make something like 2 * 2 meters :)
From: Michael Gibson
22 Oct 2007   [#5] In reply to [#1]
Hi Alberto, I have added something to allow for creating images larger than the regular window size.

To use it you have to set up a keyboard shortcut to take the larger snapshot. Go to Options / Shortcut keys, and add in a new entry. For the Key put in whatever you want, like "P". Then for the command copy the following and paste it in:

script:var v = moi.ui.getActiveViewport(); if ( v != null ) { moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; }

Now when you push P MoI will place a 2560x2560 image on the clipboard and you can paste it into an image processing program.

You can possibly adjust this to higher as well, but whether it works or not depends on your video card. If you have a video card with a lot of memory on it (like 256MB+), then it is more likely that you can go higher than that. Some video cards may not be able to handle anything larger than the screen properly.

That script also adjusts the line width to be bigger just for that snapshot, since otherwise the lines will look rather small and faint in proportion to the larger image size. You can change that line width value to get different styles.

I hope this helps for your printout, please let me know if you see any problems.

- Michael

(edit: removed reference to old patch install, this is not needed with versions newer than the Sep 2007 beta release).
From: Linker (KJELLO)
22 Oct 2007   [#6] In reply to [#5]
Hi, I gave this script a whirl out of curiosity:-)

I found that on my home system with a bog-standard GeForce gaming graphics card it allowed me to output images up to 2048*2048, but no larger. I guess this is either a hw limitation or, more likely, a driver issue.
From: Michael Gibson
22 Oct 2007   [#7] In reply to [#6]
Hi Linker - how much video RAM on your card? (you can find out under Control Panel / Display / Settings tab / Advanced button / Adapter tab / Memory Size.

- Michael
From: pagliaso
23 Oct 2007   [#8]

Thank you very much for your replies.

Pilou, I gained some area with your piece of advice. I tried the program that you reccommended and I can't manage to get sattisfying results. My image is from a boat with large and thin lines, and also I'm a little dummie with computers.

Michael, that was wonderful. Thank you very much indeed. I tried it and it works perfectly.
I have just tried 3560x3560 and it also worked.

Thanks and regards.

From: jbshorty
23 Oct 2007   [#9]
That's great, Michael. Can you also make a version to grab an image of the Z Buffer? :)

From: Lish (KHOLISH)
23 Oct 2007   [#10] In reply to [#5]
"Hi Alberto, I have added something to allow for creating images larger than the regular window size.

To get it you need to download this new patch:"

Hi Michael...

I think it will be better if you can put all the patch under download page.
From: Michael Gibson
23 Oct 2007   [#11] In reply to [#9]
Hi Jonah,

> That's great, Michael. Can you also make a version to grab an image of the Z Buffer? :)

Unfortunately that is a bit more difficult. I'm not sure that you would want the actual Z-Buffer anyway, since it is non-linear. My guess is that you would want a depth image that had a linear mapping between depth and color?

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
23 Oct 2007   [#12] In reply to [#10]
Hi Lish,

> I think it will be better if you can put all the patch under download page.

Eventually they'll get bundled up in a new version with a proper installer. For now it is easiest for me to release smaller tweaks in a more informal and quick way just by announcing it on the forum.

- Michael
From: Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
23 Oct 2007   [#13]
Works great Michael G.!
From: jbshorty
23 Oct 2007   [#14] In reply to [#11]
Not exactly sure what you mean about "linear" or "non linear" and how they relate to what i need (want)?... I am using Rhino to screengrab the ZBuffer and then use it as a paint/displacement brush in Modo. The method in Rhino works fine, but the antialiasing doesn't work at same time that ZBuffer is displayed. So i must post-process to enlarge, blur, shrink, etc... I figured it might be possible to have "antialiased zbuffer" grab from Moi. But don't worry if it's too much trouble...

From: Michael Gibson
23 Oct 2007   [#15] In reply to [#14]
Hi Jonah, I mean that if you were to relate the distance to the color, the zbuffer graph would look something like this:

Instead of just being a straight line. Usually the values in the z-buffer are not actual simple z depths but this kind of proportional value that gives more bits of precision to things that are closer to you.

But the zbuffer would not be antialiased anyway, so that wouldn't really do you any good (except shrinking from a much larger image is a good way to antialias stuff).

- Michael


From: jbshorty
23 Oct 2007   [#16] In reply to [#15]
That's interesting. Thanks for your explanation. I never imagined the quality of the ZBuffer drops off exponentially as it gets further from the camera. Maybe this is how our eyes/brain function too? that would make sense...

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Oct 2007   [#17]
Hi Michael
When you use the shortcut key for make a "big print"
and modify the number for have different line's apect, use it and make some other thing then closed Moi
When you restart Moi you have again these aspect lines and not the standard lines aspect!
Is that normal? Maybe unpractical because we don't remember the default regulates ;)
I know that they are here but...

Another little question :)
In the Option dialog window the button "Restore Defaults" restore also the Shortcut key scripts? (erase added scripts ? )
I don't try it for not to lose the all scripts in case of :)
From: Michael Gibson
23 Oct 2007   [#18] In reply to [#17]
Hi Pilou - that script had this in it originally:

<...> moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; <...>

Notice that there are 2 spots that are setting the line width - it set it to be wider before the call to renderToClipboard(), and then set it back to 1 after. If you want to change this script, you should only modify the first one, and leave the second one to set it back to 1 which restores it.

> In the Option dialog window the button "Restore Defaults" restore also the Shortcut key scripts?
> I don't try it for not lose the all scripts in case of :)

Nope, nothing to worry about, it will leave your shortcut keys alone. :) The only thing that will delete shortcut keys is using the "Delete" button on that shortcut key page.

But it might not be a bad idea to make a back up copy of your moi.ini file just in case, that would make it easy for you to restore whatever settings you need later, all settings are saved in there.

Also when you push "Restore defaults", you then get a choice for whether to restore all defaults or just the ones for the current section. In this case if you go to the View section in Options, you can then use the "just current section" option to get line width back to the default without altering settings on other sections.

- Michael
From: Linker (KJELLO)
23 Oct 2007   [#19] In reply to [#7]
The memory size on my gfx card is 128Mb
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Oct 2007   [#20] In reply to [#18]
< Notice that there are 2 spots that are setting the line width - it set it to be wider before the call to renderToClipboard(), and then set it back to 1 after. If you want to change this script, you should only modify the first one, and leave the second one to set it back to 1 which restores it.

are you sure?
moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1;

Line aspect on the screen change only if I change the second parameter !!!

nothing change if modify the "4"
Lines are modified only if I change the second "1"

1 & 4 = big lines
4 & 4 = big lines
8 & 4 = big lines
1 & 1 = normal lines
4 & 1 = normal lines
8 & 1 = normal lines


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