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MoI discussion forum

Full Version: Dark Neutral Grey UI Complete with Instructions

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From: Death
4 Oct 2021   [#10] In reply to [#9]
You're welcome, just trying to give back to the wonderful people here!
From: Cemortan_Tudor
13 Oct 2021   [#11]
ohayo !
how did u manage to have several folders with kitbash ?
From: Death
13 Oct 2021   [#12] In reply to [#11]
Read the "Death UI Modding.txt" file, it's all explained in there (step by step on how to do your own library folders)

It is included in the "Death UI.rar" you can download at the bottom of the first post.

Have fun!
From: mercar
23 Oct 2021   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Hi. when for Mac?
From: Michael Gibson
23 Oct 2021   [#14] In reply to [#13]
Hi mercar,

> Hi. when for Mac?

It should probably work on the Mac version. The appdata folder on Mac is at ~/Library/Application Support/Moi .

- Michael
From: cad-guy
25 Oct 2021   [#15]
Thanks for this :)
From: Death
27 Oct 2021   [#16]
Shortcut Keys descriptions for those who don't want to download the .RAR file again...

View Keys

Home: Resets 3D view to normal view (like the reset button)

Shift+Home: Resets the 3D view to normal, including the orientation

Alt+Home: Isometric 3D View

Ctrl+Home: Perspective 3D View (to get back from Isometric to normal view)

Numpad+: Zoom in 3D View

Numpad-: Zoom out 3D View

Space: Toggles betwen views. I.e.: If mouse is in top view space switches to 1 view only (the top), hit space again, it goes back to split view. works on all views that way. Convenient way to select a "big screen work view" then back to normal.

End: Toggles hidden line display.

V: Switches between saved 3D views

Shift+V: Save snapshot of current 3D view

Alt+V: Clear ALL the saved views

(Extremely useful! Press shift V to save the 3D view, go to other side of model, save that view, now you have 2 work views to toggle between every time you hit V.
You are not limited to 2 views either. Save 1, save 10 or whatever.)

Arrow and Page keys:

LeftArrow: Nudge Left

Ctrl+LeftArrow: Nudge Left Small increment

Alt+LeftArrow: Nudge Left Large increment

RightArrow: Nudge Right

Ctrl+RightArrow: Nudge Right Small

Alt+RightArrow: Nudge Right Large

UpArrow: Nudge Up

Ctrl+UpArrow: Nudge Up Small

Alt+UpArrow: Nudge Up Large

DownArrow: Nudge Down

Ctrl+DownArrow: Nudge Down Small

Alt+DownArrow: Nudge Down Large

PageDown: Nudge ZDown

Ctrl+PageDown: Nudge ZDown Small

Alt+PageDown: Nudge ZDown Large

PageUp: Nudge ZUp

Ctrl+PageUp: Nudge ZUp Small

Alt+PageUp: Nudge ZUp Large

Other Keys

Delete: Delete

A: Align

N: Highlight naked edges

S: Cycle selected by their type. (Select an edge, face, object, curve etc., then pressing S cycles to the next one of the selected kind)

Alt+Q: Screen capture 1280 x 800 to clipboard, with white background

Ctrl+Q: Screen capture1280 x 800 to clipboard, normal viewport

The Usual:
F1: Help

Ctrl+N: New

Ctrl+O: Open

Ctrl+S: Save

Ctrl+A: Select ALL

Ctrl+C: CopyClipboard

Ctrl+V: Paste

Ctrl+Shift+C: CopyClipboardWithOrigin

Ctrl+Shift+V: PastePart and orient Origin

Ctrl+X: Cut

Ctrl+Y: Redo

Ctrl+Z: Undo
From: thejinx
6 Nov 2021   [#17] In reply to [#16]
Hi Jack, thanks so much for putting all of this together, it's super useful and has saved me tons of time!

Just wondered if a small niggle I'm experiencing with the theme is to be expected or not...

The command panels (Draw/Edit, Construct/Transform) are all open at once, which is fantastic and exactly what I am after, which looks just like this:

When I choose a command though, all panels except the one containing the selected command collapse, and I have to re-open the panels again.

E.g. If I create a primitive by clicking Box within Draw/Edit, this happens:

And when nothing is selected after the command has completed, the panels remain closed, needing to be manually re-opened (Draw/Edit collapsed):

Is there anything I can do to keep those panels open at all times, or at least to expand when I don't already have an active tool selection?

For bonus points, is it also possible to collapse the void at the top of the panel when the information/inspector panel isn't present, like this?:

Also, I had a thought when doing the install of your excellent ui; would an installation helper be of any use? A batch or exe file which could perform the various backups and drop the files into their relevant locations without needing further user input?

Seems like a weakness of how modifications work in general and might bring things like your UI to more people?

Anyways, thanks so much in advance!

Image Attachments:
bonus.png  created.png  initially.png  toolSelected.png 

From: Phiro
6 Nov 2021   [#18]
Option / General / UI Size is the parameter you searched.

with 9.5 or less, you'll have no problem.

Image Attachments:

From: Death
6 Nov 2021   [#19] In reply to [#17]
Like Phiro said.

That is also in the instructions...


3. Scroll the UI slider to 9.5

Anyway, they collapse because your screen space is limited and new panel areas opening claim it.

Making an installer was on my mind,but then I thought about all the stuff that can happen if the user doesn't have administrator privileges. The clean up of the mess would be more work than doing it as is.

If I closed the top gap (used by filename, entry panels etc.) the the ui would jump about every time you use a command with input and the vertical position of the commands would change all the time, not nice behavior.

(BTW, the dimensions panel and its options is also always open. You might want to download the .rar file again and extract the SidePane.htm file and replace the one in your c:\user\YOURUSERNAME\appdata\roaming\moi\ui directory.)

I'll do some research on installers and if it pans out automate the whole process...
From: Michael Gibson
6 Nov 2021   [#20] In reply to [#19]
There will be a new UI theming mechanism for v5. The way it works is there is a new "themes" folder inside the Moi appdata folder. Themes are created as a sub-directory under there.

A theme contains a text file which sets up symbol definitions for things like:

The UI has been updated to use those symbols, like moi.css will have color:$$TEXT_COLOR$$; in it.

When moi.css or any .htm file is loaded it will be scanned for $$symbols$$ and have the value from the theme's expanded in place of the symbol.

The theme folder can also have its own moi.css file which will get appended to the end of the regular moi.css file when the theme is active, and any images in the themes folder will be used in place of the standard image.

There will be 2 themes built in to the standard install, "Default" (similar to the current standard UI) and "Dark".

There will be a theme manager UI where you can make a new theme (which will create a new theme folder in appdata) and adjust color values:

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: Death
6 Nov 2021   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Very, very, very cool!

That's what I always wanted.

From: thejinx
6 Nov 2021   [#22]
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I reviewed the instructions several times and repeated the process with the same results, each time using the advised 9.5 UI Scale, rather than electing to lower it further in interest of being able to see it still.

Just as a bit of feedback 9.5 does not work for a resolution of 1920x1080 on Windows 11 with a maximized window. Anything below 9.5 does, at least in my case on the two machines I have tested.

On the installation experience, I asked as prelude to offering to produce one in interest of giving some effort back, though Michael's response of an updated theme system in the next version would seem to make this whole idea happily redundant.

On the top gap, I understand that it isn't to your taste to have toolbar items move. Different strokes for different folks there (: great testament to how customizable Moi can be for us all.

Ah! I didn't think anything was wrong with the SidePanel.htm in my %AppData% (roaming appdata); it is identical to the one inside of the rar (verified via diff comparison). Is mine not behaving properly?

Cheers all
From: Michael Gibson
6 Nov 2021   [#23] In reply to [#22]
Hi thejinx, re: "top gap", yes that gap is an intentional part of the UI design. Commands will fill that area in with their options and UI controls when they are running.

Some more info here and instructions on how to modify it if you want to try that:

- Michael
From: Death
6 Nov 2021   [#24] In reply to [#22]
The 9.5 setting works well for monitors with higher than gaming res. (vertical >1080 pix).

For smaller res, you should adjust the value. If you drag the slider around, you will see the UI update accordingly. I suggest the largest you can get away with while still having ALL the panels open (for readability), your choice of course...

I am looking at installers right now.

Have fun!
From: Pit (PIETER)
13 Nov 2021   [#25] In reply to [#24]

Hi folks, I am new to this forum and have discovered the great Moi 3D program, many thanks to Michael.
I also beautified the Moi surface, many thanks to Tod.
However, I get an error message:

[url = https: //] [img] [/ img] [/ url]

I also don't see the Reverse.png icon (in the Moi interface) I followed the instructions exactly.
Maybe I'll make a mistake, I would be very grateful for any help.
I have an iMAC 3.8 GHz with Big Sur, I know whether the uploading of the picture worked, otherwise please provide instructions on how to upload pictures in the forum.
I apologize for my english, i use google to translate.

Warm greetings

From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2021   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Hi Pieter, to insert an image put it in like this:

<img src="http://url_goes_here">

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2021   [#27] In reply to [#25]
So for your image set it in your forum message like this:

<img src="">

For the error message, have you possibly removed the scene browser with some of your changes?

If so then you'll need to modify DeathPane.js and remove the piece of it where it is trying to access the scene browser and expand the sections during program startup.

That would be the part that goes like this:
var items = moi.ui.sceneBrowser.rootItems;
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i )
    items[i].expanded = true;

- Michael
From: Pit (PIETER)
14 Nov 2021   [#28] In reply to [#27]
No I have not removed anything when I read the lines:
var items = moi.ui.sceneBrowser.rootItems;
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i )
items[i].expanded = true;
delete the error message is gone. Thanks.
How do I get the Reverse.png icon into my Moi interface?

LG Pit
From: Death
14 Nov 2021   [#29] In reply to [#28]
That answer is in the instructions...

5.) copy the "Reverse.png" image from the new "C:\Users\YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MoI\ui"
to the:
"C:\Program Files\Moi 4.0\ui" directory

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