MoI discussion forum
MoI discussion forum

Full Version: web site overhaul underway

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From: Michael Gibson
30 Jan 2021   [#71]
Mobile version updated - back arrow in header to nav back to threads list.

- Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
31 Jan 2021   [#72] In reply to [#71]
hi michael,

everything is looking great. i tried the mobile site again and only had one problem. it didn't seem to show the updated posts the way that the desktop site does.
31 Jan 2021   [#73]

The mobile update is great! One thing I miss compared to the desktop version - within a string of messages, the "show messages" groupings are only at the bottom of the messages when you've scrolled right the way down to them, not at top and bottom like the desktop version. As I am frequently reading the Forum on a mobile where I can't remain logged into the forum, seeing the latest messages of a string I've been following takes longer to get to than using the desktop option. Perhaps you could consider adding it in?

As someone who has been using MoI3D since before the V1.0 release, it still remains by far the most intuitive, and remarkably powerful, CAD package. At the time I needed something easy to use that had the option of STL output. I was hooked straight away! I applaud those who come up with scripts, Nodes etc., but to be honest I've never really needed more than the default install, That said, the addition in V4 of dimensions has removed a step normally done in another package. As its been so long since you got some money from me for the V3 Update to the V2 Update to V1.0, I bought a complete new licence, and will do an upgrade to the old licence as well. I've used MoI3D for modelling multiple different things - sci-fi armoured vehicles and aircraft, several sheds/stores/workshops that have then been built, 3D printed badges, plans for building refurbishments and many many more. Keep up the good work, and maintaining your original design goals.


From: Michael Gibson
1 Feb 2021   [#74] In reply to [#73]
Thanks Andrew, I am so happy that MoI has been useful for you!

I will see about adding the "Show messages" links at the top for mobile like the desktop version, it should not be difficult to bring it over.

- Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
1 Feb 2021   [#75]
hi michael, it seems like something changed all the sudden. on the phone and desktop when i click an image they used to get bigger and open in a different tab. now they just automatically download.
From: Michael Gibson
1 Feb 2021   [#76] In reply to [#75]
Hi Anthony,

> hi michael, it seems like something changed all the sudden. on the phone and desktop when i click an
> image they used to get bigger and open in a different tab. now they just automatically download.

Hmm, I don't think I've changed anything in that area recently. What web browser are you using?

- Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
2 Feb 2021   [#77] In reply to [#76]
hi michael,

sorry for the slow reply. i'm using firefox on windows 10. on android, i'm using microsoft edge. with firefox, it at least prompts me if i want to download the picture. with edge, it just downloads it, which is annoying. maybe it's my memory going (which is a good possibility), but I thought when you clicked on images they got bigger in a new tab. on the phone it's more useful because the images are so small to begin with. maybe it has to do with reformatting the images to fit in the screen width? on desktop, the images use to be full size. but even now, they are big enough to see. it's kind of nice not having to scroll left and right. that's what i use to have to do with the images.
From: Michael Gibson
2 Feb 2021   [#78] In reply to [#77]
Hi Anthony, I've made an adjustment for opening the images is it any better now?

Thanks, - Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
2 Feb 2021   [#79] In reply to [#78]
no still the same
From: Michael Gibson
2 Feb 2021   [#80] In reply to [#79]
Hi Anthony, for Firefox you might need to change a setting in the browser, under Options > General > "Open links in tabs instead of new windows".

- Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
2 Feb 2021   [#81] In reply to [#80]
thanks michael, that option is checked. don't waste your time on this. i thought something changed. but if not, then it's just my memory. i think before i always used the desktop site and the images were large and i just scrolled around. maybe the only difference is now the images fit in frame, which people asked for and is nice.
From: bemfarmer
6 Feb 2021   [#82]
Hi Michael

I've been exploring all of the CSV file import and export posts.

The old SavePointFile script, circa 2008, with ActiveXObject, works for MoI3, but did not work for MoI4, Windows 10.
(The old ImportPointFile script did work with MoI3.)

Your newer script works with MoI4, Windows 10, (and apparently with OSX, as your posts have indicated).
Perhaps this link should be edited to deprecate the old version?

I've renamed my copy of the old version to ...OLD, and maybe should delete it.
And installed your Updated version to commands folder. (In my case, AppData commands folder for non-"stock" commands).

- Brian

(I did not try newer version on MoI3...
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
7 Feb 2021   [#83]
Forum emoticons [Preview] dialog did not load:

500 - Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

From: Michael Gibson
7 Feb 2021   [#84] In reply to [#83]
Hi Mindset,

> Forum emoticons [Preview] dialog did not load:

Seems to be a casualty from the switch from PHP5 to PHP7 back several months ago, should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting it!

- Michael
From: Chris (CHRISTOPHER021)
7 Feb 2021   [#85]
When will the "whats new" page be updated? :P
From: Michael Gibson
7 Feb 2021   [#86] In reply to [#85]
Hi Chris, I hope to get to that sometime this next week.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
9 Feb 2021   [#87] In reply to [#73]
Updated mobile forum - "Show messages" nav bar for long threads now shown at top of messages in addition to at bottom.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
9 Feb 2021   [#88]
Mobile forum updated - guest logon enabled.

- Michael
10 Feb 2021   [#89] In reply to [#87]

Thank you for doing this, much appreciated!

From: Michael Gibson
10 Feb 2021   [#90] In reply to [#89]
You're welcome Andrew! - Michael

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