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Full Version: web site overhaul underway

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From: Michael Gibson
18 Jan 2021   [#16] In reply to [#15]
Hi Charlie, it's still unfortunately a lot of work to maintain some kind of automated link to YouTube or Vimeo built into my own web site.

If you have an animation you want to share, using YouTube or Vimeo would be a good way to do it, you can upload it there yourself and send out a link to it on the forum. There isn't a lot to be gained from me trying to integrate such a thing directly into the MoI web site.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Jan 2021   [#17]
And it's so easy to put a video Youtube here ;)
Just Copy Paste the "Copy embed code" ;)

From: Michael Gibson
19 Jan 2021   [#18]
Header for forum done, still some other stuff to tune up for the forum.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Jan 2021   [#19] In reply to [#18]
Does something will change about general total size files hosted by the forum itself when user post something ?
(size alow by user)
From: Michael Gibson
19 Jan 2021   [#20] In reply to [#19]
Hi Pilou,

> Does something will change about general total size files hosted by the forum itself when user post something ?
> (size alow by user)

No I don't expect any changes there.

- Michael
From: Finema
19 Jan 2021   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Good job Michael !
From: Michael Gibson
20 Jan 2021   [#22]
Ok, now the forum has been tuned up as well. I will be adding in some more content on some pages and a "what's new in v4" page but the overall web site redesign is complete!

- Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
20 Jan 2021   [#23] In reply to [#22]

for me the wiki page is odd. on the left on desktop there are all sorts of links that don't seem to need to be there, unless you are an admin or something like that. for just someone viewing, you have to realize just to ignore them all. then on mobile, the wiki page is really odd. all sorts of square icons at the top.

other two sense. i don't know if there is a way to have the top banner consistent for all pages. for instance going from the home page to the forum, the top banner is quite different. not just the links but the image position as well.

lastly, for some reason the moi forum makes me constantly have to login. so i see the login page to the forum the most. not sure if there is a way to make it look more like the new site them. for instance the nice new dark blue banner color that you added.

anyways, i like the improvements overall.

oh, one more thing. but probably too hard to pull off. on the wiki there are all sorts of addons tuts etc. not sure if you could have them sorted by version. like v1, v2, etc addons. once i get v4 it seems like its going to be hard to know what addons will work with it. i know for sure i'll need the old xyz point import that you did. that's all i have planned to use atm. but i know others would find some kind of grouping by version useful. i know this would probably be a huge time killer though.
From: BurrMan
20 Jan 2021   [#24] In reply to [#22]
Really like the new page/paper/background color....
From: Michael Gibson
20 Jan 2021   [#25] In reply to [#23]
Hi Anthony, thanks for the feedback.

> for me the wiki page is odd. on the left on desktop there are all sorts of links that don't seem to
> need to be there, unless you are an admin or something like that. for just someone viewing, you
> have to realize just to ignore them all. then on mobile, the wiki page is really odd. all sorts of
> square icons at the top.

Have you used Wikipedia ( ? The MoI wiki uses the same engine as that.

> other two sense. i don't know if there is a way to have the top banner consistent for all pages.

Well it is possible but it would require something like a couple of months of work (or more) to redesign
the forum and the wiki to use some other navigation UI.

Since I'm just one person doing all the work for MoI I have to do some careful cost/benefit analysis in
cases like this because if I work for a few months on the web site that is a few months of development
that could have been spent on improvements to the MoI software instead.

So what's better for MoI users - a totally uniform web site or new functionality in the MoI software?
I'm pretty sure that improvements to the software are a much greater benefit.

That's a big reason why the web site update didn't happen for a long time.

The new redesign gets the overall appearance and styling to be uniform across the site and forum/wiki
web apps. Some details like an image not being in the exact same place are so inconsequential to
actual function that it's not really worth messing with. It's again a cost/benefit analysis thing it's
not enough benefit to warrant worrying about.

> lastly, for some reason the moi forum makes me constantly have to login. so i see the login page to
> the forum the most. not sure if there is a way to make it look more like the new site them. for
> instance the nice new dark blue banner color that you added.

Do you maybe have a setting or extension of some kind turned on in your web browser to disallow
web sites from saving cookies? If so then that could be what is causing the need to login every time.

I'll take a look at updating the login page though, I missed reviewing that.

> oh, one more thing. but probably too hard to pull off. on the wiki there are all sorts of addons tuts
> etc. not sure if you could have them sorted by version. like v1, v2, etc addons. once i get v4 it seems
> like its going to be hard to know what addons will work with it.

Nearly all plug-ins are compatible with v4, only a small handful needed updates to new versions. So
this would provide pretty low value.

Thanks, - Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
20 Jan 2021   [#26] In reply to [#25]
thanks michael,

all makes since. good to hear about the compatibility to v4. from reading the forum, it seemed like that wasn't the case.

moi is the only forum i have a problem with as far as constant logins. it will stay logged in until i close the browser. when i open the browser again i have to login again. on my phone it seems rather random. every now and then it want's me to re-login on the phone. that browser doesn't really close.

i do have a lot of various addons. i'll see if messing with any of them helps. on the desktop i'm using firefox and on the phone microsoft edge.
From: WN
20 Jan 2021   [#27] In reply to [#20]
Michael, when I click the link, reply, the window to whom you reply is displayed in the old style.
When I make a preview of my post it also displays in the old style.
Am I ahead of the curve?
From: Michael Gibson
20 Jan 2021   [#28] In reply to [#27]
Hi WN,

> Michael, when I click the link, reply, the window to whom you reply is displayed in the old style.
> When I make a preview of my post it also displays in the old style.
> Am I ahead of the curve?

Try F5 or Ctrl+F5 on those pages to get your web browse to reload maybe you're getting cached versions.

If that doesn't do anything can you please post a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Thanks, - Michael
From: Michael Gibson
20 Jan 2021   [#29] In reply to [#24]
Hi Burr,

> Really like the new page/paper/background color....

Thanks! I wanted to give it something there instead of just plain white but not too strongly colored.

- Michael
From: WN
20 Jan 2021   [#30] In reply to [#28]
Michael probably this is how it should be, it's just that he stands out more in this place.
So I thought it was different.

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
20 Jan 2021   [#31] In reply to [#30]
Hi WN, yes that is the new one. It happens to be enclosed in one of these types of containers like in Options, that's why it looks like that:

It has been modified to have less saturated colors than before. I didn't find it otherwise objectionable enough to mess with any further.

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
20 Jan 2021   [#32] In reply to [#26]
hi michael,

i tried disabling some of the addons but it didn't help. if i close the browser and re-open it. i have to login to the forum again. not a huge deal. just thought i'd mention it, given the topic.
From: Michael Gibson
20 Jan 2021   [#33] In reply to [#32]
Logon page in forum updated now.

- Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
21 Jan 2021   [#34] In reply to [#33]
It looks great
From: Mark (MARKG)
21 Jan 2021   [#35]
Dear Michael,

I like the new adjustments you are making to the web site. Easier on the eyes.

If I had one nit to pick on the subject, it is this:

We "Log On," then we "Logout."

How about Log In/Log Out ; or Log On/Log Off ?

I know it's a just a crotchet, but chalk it up to my decades in printing and publishing...


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