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From: KanakaRed (ROTARYMAN13B)
28 Oct 2021   [#300] In reply to [#299]
Thanks, Michael. I don't know how I overlooked this.

From: Rich (-RB-)
23 Nov 2021   [#301]
I don't know if it's been broached before but some sort of visibility control would be amazing, I like everyone else probably spends a lot of time turning on/off objects/mats and this could be a big time saver (for example)

- Rich x
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
23 Nov 2021   [#302]
Hi Michael,

Seeing your mention of a new theme infrastructure component for V5 ( which offers some extensibility makes me wonder if this general idea might also be applied to the concept of a title block? There has been the occasional discussion of title blocks (like for 2D drawings) & I've pondered how one might script such a thing but it currently seems problematic to do so. If the theme idea could be morphed into providing the basic structure and allow for some customization, that would be a really neat addition to MoI.

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving & looking forward to the V5 beta cycle!

From: Michael Gibson
23 Nov 2021   [#303] In reply to [#302]
Hi Larry,

> makes me wonder if this general idea might also be applied to the concept of a title block?

Sort of in the sense that it needs some kind of templating mechanism. There's some previous discussion here, does the idea mentioned there seem like it would work ok?

- Michael
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
23 Nov 2021   [#304] In reply to [#303]
Hi Michael,

Yes, that's the conversation I was recalling & merging a template during PDF export seems like a very nice solution. I don't have any thoughts on the specific fields to be maintained in the title block & would imagine that would be an area that would be nice to allow some customization of. If the field values could be stored in the model's 3DM file, that would of course be even nicer.

From: RayCAD1962 (RAYCAD003)
1 Dec 2021   [#305] In reply to [#304]
Dear Micheal,
Could you please incorporate into your software 3DMoi the printing function because for me is very important asset to have it to my works if I want to print.

Another thing that I like to see in the next new update of V5 is to see the custom UI environment that include the object Library and the Pull down scripts so they're inserting into the browser pane instead of into the command bar
when you need them to modify our designs because I so other users use them and it' very cool indeed.

I like to see more different choices in the lighting option styles.

Hope you can incorporate the GUMBALL system into your 3DMoi like the one using in Rhino 7 because the one we have in the software was not familiarize with me, I prefer the Gumball because it makes things perfectly when you need them to be.

Thank you for your support that you always gave us.

From: Michael Gibson
1 Dec 2021   [#306] In reply to [#305]
Hi RC, currently a good way to print is to save to a PDF file and then you can print the PDF file. Adobe Reader has a lot of options for printing including things like tiled posters.

It would take a lot of effort to get a print function directly from MoI that had the same level of functionality in it.

So because it would take a lot of effort and would give only very minimal improvement (if any) it's not really a good target feature for MoI at least currently.

> to see the custom UI environment that include the object Library and the Pull down scripts
> so they're inserting into the browser pane instead of into the command bar

What would be the advantage to having a scripts menu in the browser pane instead of the command bar?

The browser pane is generally meant to hold stuff related to the model structure. A list of plug-in scripts doesn't match with that so it would seem a little weird to me to put it in there.

- Michael
From: 3image
12 Dec 2021   [#307]
I've got a new proposal: New projection view option "Current view" in the AI and PDF export options (only in single viewport mode obviously).
From: Michael Gibson
12 Dec 2021   [#308] In reply to [#307]
Hi 3image,

> I've got a new proposal: New projection view option "Current view" in the AI and PDF export
> options (only in single viewport mode obviously).

What would it do when you're not in single viewport mode?

- Michael
From: 3image
13 Dec 2021   [#309] In reply to [#308]
Easy, the option is not shown then. ;-)
From: Michael Gibson
13 Dec 2021   [#310] In reply to [#309]
Hi 3image,

> Easy, the option is not shown then. ;-)

The regular behavior of these controls is that they get initialized to the last value that was used.

That doesn't fit well with a dropdown value that can disappear like that.

The problem would be if you do an export where you have a view maximized and use this option, but then later on do a second export while in Split view mode. The dialog would want to initialize the control to a value that is not being shown.

It's not problematic to have an entire control be hidden but hiding just some values in a dropdown list is different.

- Michael
From: Marc (TELLIER)
16 Dec 2021   [#311]
Maybe it's because of my lunatic workflow but I often export the wrong view.
I would be in favour of an indicator of some kind !

Concerning fullscreen, perhaps the flyout could be set on the maximized view.

Small detail though.
Can't wait to see the work on groups !


Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2021-12-16 at 07.49.png 

From: Michael Gibson
16 Dec 2021   [#312] In reply to [#311]
Hi Marc,

> Maybe it's because of my lunatic workflow but I often export the wrong view.
> I would be in favour of an indicator of some kind !

Probably the real way to solve this would be to show a preview of the 2D page that is going to be written so you can see what you're going to get and change settings as needed.

Unfortunately it's going to take quite a lot of work to make that, the amount of work is high in proportion to the amount of benefit gained so it's not easy to dedicate time to that.

- Michael
From: Marc (TELLIER)
17 Dec 2021   [#313]
Hi Micheal,

Yeah, If it's a lot of trouble it's not really with it.

From: Viewbyte
17 Dec 2021   [#314]
Greetings to all : )

Suggestion: auto swap of template images for ortho views - top/bottom, left/right, front/back.
I'm currently working on a model for which I have 2D drawings. I have image planes set up for top, left/right, front/back.

It would be super helpful if, when switching ortho views - left/right or front/back - the relevant image plane was shown and the 'reverse view' image plane was hidden.
Currently the same image just gets automatically reversed in direction ('auto-flipped'). That's pretty confusing and an invitation to make mistakes when your object is not symmetric.

The current set up makes working round this problem equally confusing, because if you set up drawings for left/right, front/back you have to reverse one of them because of the 'auto-flip'.

It's a flippin' nuisance : )

Thanks for any consideration this may get : )

Mike A.
From: Michael Gibson
17 Dec 2021   [#315] In reply to [#314]
Hi Mike,

> Suggestion: auto swap of template images for ortho views - top/bottom, left/right, front/back.

Sounds like something that a script could address. Can you please post an example model with the images set up so I can experiment with making a script?

- Michael
From: Viewbyte
18 Dec 2021   [#316] In reply to [#315]
That would be great. Unfortunately I can't send the drawings I'm actually using due to NDA, but I'm sure I can put together a super simple demo that will suffice.
It might be a few days as I'm under a heavy deadline at the moment - but I will add it to my to-do list!

Many thanks!


Message 10114.317 was deleted

From: Viewbyte
18 Dec 2021   [#318] In reply to [#315]
Thanks for looking into the image planes situation - 'MOI car' example file attached with image planes set up.

Mike A

MOI car

From: Michael Gibson
19 Dec 2021   [#319] In reply to [#318]
Hi Mike A,

re: images and view reversing, please try setting up the following script on a keyboard shortcut. Then when you push the shortcut key, the view under the mouse will reverse and it will also handle hiding and showing the associated images at the same time:

script: /* Reverse view under mouse and switch images */ var vp = moi.ui.getActiveViewport(); if ( vp && != '3D' ) { var toshow = ''; switch( ) { case 'Top': toshow = 'bottom'; break; case 'Bottom': toshow = 'top'; break; case 'Left': toshow = 'right'; break; case 'Right': toshow = 'left'; break; case 'Front': toshow = 'back'; break; case 'Back' : toshow = 'front'; break; } var images = moi.view.getBackgroundImages(); for ( var i = 0; i < images.length; ++i ) { var img = images.item(i); var imgname = moi.filesystem.getFileNameFromPath(img.fileName).toLowerCase(); if ( imgname.indexOf( toshow ) != -1 ) img.hidden = false; if ( imgname.indexOf( ) != -1 ) img.hidden = true; } moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.reverseView( ); }

It seems that this is only an issue when images are set to display above objects with transparency. Maybe I should look for images stacked directly on top of each other in the view in this case and not draw the one further away.

- Mike G

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