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Full Version: V5 Wish List

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From: Michael Gibson
27 Jul 2021   [#263] In reply to [#262]
Hi pafurijaz,

> With Autocad you can set an infinity of commands with combinations of strings or a single character
> and confirm with the space bar or enter, confirmation should be given after typing the abbreviated
> command, this way you can create shortcuts commands easier to type and remember, would that
> be something that can be evaluated in the next version?

Well that makes sense for AutoCAD because its program UI is based on a command-line type in interface.

So basically your request is asking whether MoI can completely alter its program UI to be based on a totally different concept, I'm sorry the answer is no that isn't something that I'm considering doing for the next version.

The command line based interface is not at all friendly for users without a lot of computer experience. One of the unique aspects of MoI is that it is approachable to people in this category and that's not something I want to lose.

If you want though, you can create your own command aliases pretty easily right now. If you want to make a command alias to have a command named "bd" that runs BooleanDifference, create a text file named bd.js and put it in your commands folder. Put this inside it:

moi.command.execCommand( 'BooleanDifference' );

You will now have a command named "bd" which when run will launch the BooleanDifference command. To use it type Tab, then bd and then Enter.

You can create any number of aliases right now using this method.

But one thing which is likely to happen in the nearer term for keyboard input is to extend the keyboard shortcuts to allow multiple separate keys in sequence like type b and then d, no tab or enter at the end.

- Michael
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
27 Jul 2021   [#264] In reply to [#262]
Hi pafurijaz,

If the goal is to avoid having to remember and type script command names, you might find this little add-on helpful:

From: BurrMan
27 Jul 2021   [#265] In reply to [#258]
""""""""""> And this image is on FreeCad and show the curvature normal on B-spline and is possible to
> get the visualization of this on Moi3d maybe with a script?""""""""""

This "CCC" by Karsten Will give the graph.

Then Max wrote a script that will give the "weighted point Data" for the curve being used

A little further down in that last thread by max he made another command, with more options, which puts the points "On" the curve...
From: BurrMan
27 Jul 2021   [#266] In reply to [#265]

I suppose a guy could arc 3pt any of the curvature attachment points to get the radius there..... Or incorporate Michaels CurvatureCircle or DimCurvature Command too.

Image Attachments:
weighted curvature.jpg 

From: pafurijaz
28 Jul 2021   [#267] In reply to [#266]
Thanks to everyone for the support and the help, I will try these solutions, and also the method for the command shortcuts, even if it would not be bad to have the further possibility to enter the commands as indicated, I think that the two methods can coexist without problems , not creating any limitations for new users.

i tried the advice to create the commands with the text file it works great for my use for now i will do so it seems like a good alternative, thanks
From: krass
14 Aug 2021   [#268]
I don’t know how to formulate this.
Maybe later I'll write a wishlist...

In the meantime, I wanted a little more integration of MOI3D for the requirements and needs of game development.
Various little things, I believe, that would make the work of those who work in MOI3D for games even more comfortable and faster.

I'm sure I'm not the only one here. ;))
From: Michael Gibson
14 Aug 2021   [#269] In reply to [#268]
Hi krass, you'll need to be a lot more specific about what you're looking for.

- Michael
14 Aug 2021   [#270] In reply to [#20]
An option to import Sketchup models in their native SKP format would be nice.
From: Michael Gibson
14 Aug 2021   [#271] In reply to [#270]
Hi Kenmo, SKP files contain polygon mesh geometry. Like for example a model of a sphere in Sketchup is not made up of an exact sphere surface, instead it's a bunch of triangles.

Moi is not designed to do modeling work on that kind of data. MoI can generate that type of data out by dicing up large curved surfaces into little tiny facets but it is not easy to do the reverse and try to form large smooth surfaces out of a lot of little triangles.

So that's the reason why you can export to SKP out from MoI but not import it in and why it is not likely that there will be an SKP import function.

- Michael
21 Aug 2021   [#272] In reply to [#271]
Thanks for the reply. I wasn't aware of the difficulty as Rhino3D and Form Z both import skp files (or at least they claim to as I do not have either app to claim otherwise).
From: Michael Gibson
21 Aug 2021   [#273] In reply to [#272]
Hi Kenmo, both Rhino and FormZ are multi-purpose/"hybrid" type modeling apps which have support for modeling using either polygon mesh objects or NURBS objects. But these different object types have pretty distinct toolsets and so having this adds a considerable amount of complexity and weight to the program UI. They have a whole lot of different stuff all mashed together into one app.

One of the things that MoI is focused on is being streamlined with a lightweight easier to use UI. So MoI is not set up like that.

If working on imported SKP polygon data is an important function for you, then Rhino or FormZ could probably fit your needs better than MoI.

- Michael
21 Aug 2021   [#274] In reply to [#273]
No thanks. I played with a trial version of Rhino and hated it's ui. I have the free version of Form Z and it's not to my liking.

I much prefer MOI 3D over any of of the NURBs or CAD alternatives.

From: Rich (-RB-)
22 Aug 2021   [#275]
I'd chip in for a slightly easier to use Shortcut Key system...For instance I've been using the CPlane function more and more, but have to dig to find out how to add manually...I think even a drop-down list of some of the commands after you've selected a key combination would be useful? Adding scripts I get but the process is a bit cumbersome for some things for sure (PS what is the shortcut command haha!)

- Rich
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
26 Aug 2021   [#276]
Hello to All,

I'd like to see some way to numerically adjust the position of an item.
Is that already an existing feature and I'm missing it? (We have it for an object's size.)
At minimum, maybe the ability to do so for point objects.

Plausible, Logical ?
From: Michael Gibson
26 Aug 2021   [#277] In reply to [#276]
Hi Mindset,

> I'd like to see some way to numerically adjust the position of an item.

You can do this currently with the Transform > Move command.

Select the object you want to reposition, then run the Transform > Move command. At the first prompt to pick the base point, pick the point on the object that you want to position numerically. You can click the "Bounding box center" button if you want to position that spot of the object.

Then on the last prompt to pick the target point you can type in the x,y,z coordinates for where you want it to go.

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
26 Aug 2021   [#278]
Thank you Michael for your previous response; spot-on as always.

This is a proposed enhancement for the Scale 2D command.
The situation was such that the target object set needed to be adjusted to match the size of a relative item, which was disposed at some vertical distance. I picked two points on the target set, but when I pick the second reference point from the relative item, the resulting scaling factor seemingly vectored the vertical distance, making it difficult to match the two sets with respect to the 2D (horizontal) plane.

Should this command form offer an option to ignore non-coplanar coordinates?

Many thanks,

PS … I realize now that the first reference point (on the target) was also not coplanar with the base point.
Perhaps all input points should be 2D for this command... ?
From: Michael Gibson
26 Aug 2021   [#279] In reply to [#278]
Hi Mindset,

> Suggestions?
> Should this command form offer an option to ignore non-coplanar coordinates?

It should work like that currently if you are picking the points in an ortho viewport like the Top/Front/Right views.

Could you post a .3dm file with the objects you were trying to scale?

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
26 Aug 2021   [#280] In reply to [#279]
I generally think of myself as a reasonable adult, but in this instance I feel like a complete dolt.

Sorry to have taken your time Michael.
As always, you are super helpful.

From: Michael Gibson
26 Aug 2021   [#281] In reply to [#280]
Hi Mindset, no problem! :) And if you still can't get it to work as you need please let me know.

Also I do want to add an option for projecting points when picking in the 3D viewport as well. But right now if you go to a 2D view that will do it when you pick in there.

- Michael
From: teng1
2 Sep 2021   [#282]
Hi, I would really like to see a baseline "utility" lighting implementation with shadows, not so much for presentation, I found it a really helpful modeling tool to see how the form is working under various lighting, i thought Sketchup did a decent job of this. This is example how i was using sketchup light to arrange the scene to paint over later
In MOI i would be using this to track the form more than cast shadow in an interior but hopefully it gets the idea across.

Thank you!

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