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Full Version: V5 Wish List

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From: feirui445
20 Jul 2021   [#242] In reply to [#20]
I hope V5 has the function of material mapping. In addition, objects can display ground shadows
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
22 Jul 2021   [#243]
It would be useful and presumably straightforward to provide the full filename to the clipboard.
It would also be useful to provide the recent file list to a popup.

From: Michael Gibson
22 Jul 2021   [#244] In reply to [#243]
Hi Mindset,

> It would be useful and presumably straightforward to provide the full filename to the clipboard.

If you hover your mouse over the filename at the top of the side pane, it will show a tooltip with the full path.

> It would also be useful to provide the recent file list to a popup.

The file menu is a popup that uses the recent file list, so you can look at FileMenu.htm for an example of this.

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
23 Jul 2021   [#245] In reply to [#244]
Thank you Michael,

>The file menu is a popup that uses the recent file list, so you can look at FileMenu.htm for an example of this.

Great, I'll see if I can conjure up a popup from that example.
If successful, I'll post the results here to share.

Such a recent file list popup will be useful for import.

Additionally, I would be nice to have the option of importing only visible objects from a source file.
Any hints on doing that, or about how to remove hidden objects added by an import?

Separately, I'll try to get the current file-path by using the Save command as an example.

From: mdesign
23 Jul 2021   [#246] In reply to [#234]
Sorry if it will be an unrealistic wish.

I would like to have the ability to put there some global variables which would be put together into one chart where I could change f.e. change hole size globally. This should work globally for every element and allow change parameter of that element (in some cases it is length in some cases radius or overall dimensions). This variable could be assigned same as name and colour (assigned name could be the binder of those properties). This could be limited to dimensions of a whole solids if the internal lines and circles would be too hard.

I would like also to have a dynamic copy of a whole solid body (instance), dynamic array (array of instances) and dynamic mirror (mirrored and copied instance).

This should be done in a minimalistic way with easiness of use (like rest of GUI). It could be done also very limited to work only on most used cases.

That is my dream about MoI 5 :)

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
23 Jul 2021   [#247] In reply to [#245]
Hi Mindset,

> Additionally, I would be nice to have the option of importing only visible objects from a source file.
> Any hints on doing that, or about how to remove hidden objects added by an import?

For removing hidden objects that were just imported earlier in the same command, try this (warning untested code):

var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects();
for ( var i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i )
    var obj = objs.item(i);
    if ( obj.hidden && obj.databaseRevision > moi.command.lastCommandRevisionEnd )
        moi.geometryDatabase.removeObject( obj );

> Separately, I'll try to get the current file-path by using the Save command as an example.

You can use moi.geometryDatabase.currentFileName to get the full path of the current file , and if you want to copy it to the clipboard pass it to moi.copyTextToClipboard();

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
23 Jul 2021   [#248] In reply to [#246]
Hi mdesign,

> I would like to have the ability to put there some global variables which would be put together
> into one chart where I could change f.e. change hole size globally.

There are other programs called "parametric CAD" that are very focused on this type of work. If this is an important feature for you, i would strongly recommend using one of those programs for this work rather than MoI.

SolidWorks would be a good one to check out, I think they have a way to link a parametric variable to Excel.

The focus on MoI is on making things quick and fluid to draw. It's not focused on this kind of process control that you need.

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
23 Jul 2021   [#249] In reply to [#248]
Hi mDesign,

A hobbyist level CAD option might be Alibre Atom3D.
It has the parametric feature, so you might want to check it out.

Just FYI,
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
23 Jul 2021   [#250]
Hi Michael,

I might have missed your reply to this request, but just to be sure you didn't miss it... :)

From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
24 Jul 2021   [#251] In reply to [#246]
Hi mdesign, maybe you could use Node-editor for some of the effects you are looking for. :-)
From: Michael Gibson
24 Jul 2021   [#252] In reply to [#250]
Hi Metin,

> I might have missed your reply to this request, but just to be sure you didn't miss it... :)

Sorry I didn't know you were wanting a reply to that. One of the initial focus areas for MoI was to make it possible to use without touching a keyboard at all, so something like that very focused on typed in input is not going to be a high priority, sorry. But it's here on the list for future reference.

For the general area of keyboard input, enabling multiple shortcut keys in sequence is currently a higher priority than auto-complete for typed in command names.

- Michael
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
26 Jul 2021   [#253] In reply to [#252]
Thanks Michael!

I understand, although I hope the auto-complete feature will be added in the near future. :)

An alternative might be a drag and drop option to easily add custom commands to the MoI UI, with automatic button and text label creation.
From: pafurijaz
26 Jul 2021   [#254]
Hi, I would have a request for the next version and it is the possibility of also being able to measure the radius of beziér or cubic curves, not generated by a circle, since the representation of the circles with nurbs is always an approximation, as can be done with other programs CAD where the detected dimension is dynamic and changes with curvature and also the detected center moves dynamically.
From: Michael Gibson
26 Jul 2021   [#255] In reply to [#253]
Hi Metin,

> I understand, although I hope the auto-complete feature will be added in the near future. :)
> An alternative might be a drag and drop option to easily add custom commands to the
> MoI UI, with automatic button and text label creation.

There is quite a lot of work involved in either of these so sorry don't expect it in the near future.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
26 Jul 2021   [#256] In reply to [#254]
Hi pafurijaz,

> Hi, I would have a request for the next version and it is the possibility of also being able
> to measure the radius of beziér or cubic curves, not generated by a circle, <...>

Moi's radius dimension is designed not to do that because it can be dangerous. It's too easy for someone to mistakenly think that a curve that looks similar to a circle is actually an exact circle and then put a dimension on it not knowing that the radius is not constant across the entire length of the curve.

> since the representation of the circles with nurbs is always an approximation

This is not correct, a NURBS curve can exactly represent a circle without approximation, that's why it has "weight" values as part of it's formulation. The weights (which give the "R" part of NURBS for "Rational") give NURBS curves the ability to exactly represent conic sections.

> as can be done with other programs CAD where the detected dimension is dynamic and changes with
> curvature and also the detected center moves dynamically.

Is there any CAD program other than Rhino that behaves that way? I just tested with ViaCAD for example and it does not put a radius dimension on a general spline curve.

I would think that's probably an unusual function specific to Rhino because normally a radial/diametric dimension should indicate an arc or circle curve and not a general spline curve that only happens to have the indicated value just at that point location.

- Michael
From: pafurijaz
26 Jul 2021   [#257] In reply to [#256]
About the approximation I have read this here on wikipedia. but maybe I've haven't read all the paragraph, only the first part.

About the program can do that, If I remember well Solidedge I'm sure NX and the others and can insert a dynamic radius on a curve and also FreeCad, and I'm pretty sure Autocad but I don't remember well if was it or an other at my previous job

These image attached is a SubD cylinder with imported in Moi and then exported in FreeCAD and I was warned about the curve isn't circle and the measure can be irregular

And this image is on FreeCad and show the curvature normal on B-spline and is possible to get the visualization of this on Moi3d maybe with a script?

Image Attachments:
B-spline-normal-curvature.png  E7OGWCfWUAA0ThW.png  E7OGWCkXMAYTdEo.png 

From: Michael Gibson
26 Jul 2021   [#258] In reply to [#257]
Hi pafurijaz,

> About the approximation I have read this here on wikipedia. but maybe I've haven't
> read all the paragraph, only the first part.

Right, it says this:

"Non-rational splines or Bézier curves may approximate a circle, but they cannot represent it exactly. Rational splines can represent any conic section, including the circle, exactly."

Non-rational splines, meaning a spline type without weight values in addition to x,y,z values for every control point, can only approximate a circle. That's why a NURBS curve is not a non-rational spline, the R in NURBS is for Rational.

As it says in the 2nd sentence, Rational splines (which includes NURBS) can represent circles exactly.

The Bezier curves in 2D illustration programs like Adobe Illustrator are non-rational cubics and can only approximate circles, unlike NURBS which can represent circles exactly.

re: AutoCAD radius dimension on spline
I don't have a running copy here at the moment but no I don't think that is correct:

> And this image is on FreeCad and show the curvature normal on B-spline and is possible to
> get the visualization of this on Moi3d maybe with a script?

Sorry no MoI doesn't currently have a function for visualizing the curvature graph. It is possible for scripts to evaluate curvature properties of curves now so a script could be possible but I don't know if there is one.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
26 Jul 2021   [#259] In reply to [#257]
Hi pafurijaz, here's a script that might help with putting radius dims onto non-circular curves. It generates a circle for the curvature at a point on a curve, so then you can probably use the circle to apply a dimension.

- Michael


From: pafurijaz
26 Jul 2021   [#260] In reply to [#259]
Awesome this script also give a lot of possibility thanks Michael.
From: Michael Gibson
27 Jul 2021   [#261] In reply to [#260]
Hi pafurijaz, also here's another script, this one is a mash-up of creating a curvature circle at a point on a curve like the previous script, and then generating a radial dimension on the circle and then throwing the circle out leaving just the dimension.

Hopefully this one should be pretty close to what you were originally looking for.

- Michael


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