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From: christian (CHRI)
14 Jul 2021   [#231]

is it possible to add the coordinates of the last point, near this point ?
( x ,y ,z , angle , length )

the next file is a GIF

From: Michael Gibson
14 Jul 2021   [#232] In reply to [#231]
Hi Chri,

> is it possible to add the coordinates of the last point, near this point ?
> ( x ,y ,z , angle , length )

Yes, there are various ways to do that, you can enter in relative coordinates or polar coordinates using a distance and angle, or activate distance or angle constraint.

Information here on how to enter in different kinds of point input:

and a lot of details on drawing functions here:

- Michael
From: christian (CHRI)
14 Jul 2021   [#233] In reply to [#232]
Hi Michael

I know that

my question is only to view them, on the screen, near the last point like the Gif file.

From: Michael Gibson
14 Jul 2021   [#234] In reply to [#233]
Hi Chri,

> my question is only to view them, on the screen, near the last point

Sorry, no - Moi is intentionally designed not to do that, because displaying a lot of stuff overlaid on the viewport can get in the way of seeing your actual model.

That information is instead displayed at the bottom so you can glance down there to see it very easily yet it does not obscure your modeling area:

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: christian (CHRI)
14 Jul 2021   [#235] In reply to [#234]
I understand your meaning Thanks for your quick answers Michael.

From: Rich (-RB-)
14 Jul 2021   [#236]
A couple of requests...

- Integration of the .obj executable (Obj23dmWireframe) would be really handy
- Maybe a few more Rhino integration tweaks concerning import of groups (if not blocks) would be a great time saver for those of us who have to run both softs.
- Some form of clipping plane for quick sectional views would be really useful to interrogate complex parts.


(actually, this may be crazy, but is there a way to use the current obj importer to just import obj's at 0 subdivisions?)

- Rich
From: Michael Gibson
14 Jul 2021   [#237] In reply to [#236]
Hi Rich, re: #2 import groups, I'm not sure if that will be feasible because Rhino's grouping mechanism is kind of limited. The way it works is group membership is more like a tag on an object and there isn't any parent/child relationship set up between groups. It's fairly different from how groups normally work in 2D vector type programs.

So because it's limited I'm probably not going to try and just adopt the same system in MoI, I think it's going to be important to be able to have parent/child hierarchy betwen groups. So it may be difficult for them to go back and forth between MoI and Rhino.

The same thing might apply to blocks as well, Rhino adopted the Autocad block system and it has some really weird interaction with layers. It's also probably not going to be something that would be good to just exactly replicate in MoI.

> (actually, this may be crazy, but is there a way to use the current obj importer
> to just import obj's at 0 subdivisions?)

Sorry, no it doesn't work very well to represent object in CAD/NURBS with a large number of individual planar facets. The way CAD geometry is structured there is some more overhead for each face compared to a poly modeling program because of how there can be an "underlying surface" with trim curves on it marking different areas as active or as holes. it doesn't work very well to have a high face count like you can in a poly modeling program.

There is a separate OBJ import plug-in that Max Smirnov wrote that does that though, you can find it on his file archive here, look for ImportObj:

Generally i don't recommend trying to do that kind of import though, MoI is not designed to work with polygon models for modeling. Trying to simulate a poly model by having a large number of trimmed NURBS surfaces usually does not work very well.

- Michael
From: Rich (-RB-)
14 Jul 2021   [#238] In reply to [#237]
Great thanks Michael I'll definitely check out Max's import plug...Yes realise the way groups are treated probably wouldn't work out (as I'm sure you'd develop a superior system haha) just wondering if groups could be ignored when importing to MoI, currently having to explode everything in Rhino first (meaning you inevitably get a lot of split up polysurfaces)....Is this another workflow possibly?

- Rich
From: Michael Gibson
14 Jul 2021   [#239] In reply to [#238]
Hi Rich,

> just wondering if groups could be ignored when importing to MoI,

Do you mean blocks in Rhino? Groups in Rhino should already come over with the grouping just ignored unlike blocks.

> currently having to explode everything in Rhino first (meaning you inevitably get a lot of
> split up polysurfaces)....Is this another workflow possibly?

Try using the "ExplodeBlock" command in Rhino instead of just plain "Explode". I think ExplodeBlock will only convert block instances in to regular geometry, it won't break apart polysurfaces into individual surfaces like regular Explode.

- Michael
From: Rich (-RB-)
15 Jul 2021   [#240] In reply to [#239]
Hnmm yeah just doing some tests, perhaps it was nested blocks inside the groups that were giving errors - I'll wait for a test case! Usually given mega files that have been passed down through many hands so hard to work out what might be causing issues - great to know groups are just passed over...Thanks for "ExplodeBlock" also will go into the arsenal...

- Rich
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
18 Jul 2021   [#241]
Probably a low priority:
How about a "make copy(s)" option on the Align tool?

From: feirui445
20 Jul 2021   [#242] In reply to [#20]
I hope V5 has the function of material mapping. In addition, objects can display ground shadows
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
22 Jul 2021   [#243]
It would be useful and presumably straightforward to provide the full filename to the clipboard.
It would also be useful to provide the recent file list to a popup.

From: Michael Gibson
22 Jul 2021   [#244] In reply to [#243]
Hi Mindset,

> It would be useful and presumably straightforward to provide the full filename to the clipboard.

If you hover your mouse over the filename at the top of the side pane, it will show a tooltip with the full path.

> It would also be useful to provide the recent file list to a popup.

The file menu is a popup that uses the recent file list, so you can look at FileMenu.htm for an example of this.

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
23 Jul 2021   [#245] In reply to [#244]
Thank you Michael,

>The file menu is a popup that uses the recent file list, so you can look at FileMenu.htm for an example of this.

Great, I'll see if I can conjure up a popup from that example.
If successful, I'll post the results here to share.

Such a recent file list popup will be useful for import.

Additionally, I would be nice to have the option of importing only visible objects from a source file.
Any hints on doing that, or about how to remove hidden objects added by an import?

Separately, I'll try to get the current file-path by using the Save command as an example.

From: mdesign
23 Jul 2021   [#246] In reply to [#234]
Sorry if it will be an unrealistic wish.

I would like to have the ability to put there some global variables which would be put together into one chart where I could change f.e. change hole size globally. This should work globally for every element and allow change parameter of that element (in some cases it is length in some cases radius or overall dimensions). This variable could be assigned same as name and colour (assigned name could be the binder of those properties). This could be limited to dimensions of a whole solids if the internal lines and circles would be too hard.

I would like also to have a dynamic copy of a whole solid body (instance), dynamic array (array of instances) and dynamic mirror (mirrored and copied instance).

This should be done in a minimalistic way with easiness of use (like rest of GUI). It could be done also very limited to work only on most used cases.

That is my dream about MoI 5 :)

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
23 Jul 2021   [#247] In reply to [#245]
Hi Mindset,

> Additionally, I would be nice to have the option of importing only visible objects from a source file.
> Any hints on doing that, or about how to remove hidden objects added by an import?

For removing hidden objects that were just imported earlier in the same command, try this (warning untested code):

var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects();
for ( var i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i )
    var obj = objs.item(i);
    if ( obj.hidden && obj.databaseRevision > moi.command.lastCommandRevisionEnd )
        moi.geometryDatabase.removeObject( obj );

> Separately, I'll try to get the current file-path by using the Save command as an example.

You can use moi.geometryDatabase.currentFileName to get the full path of the current file , and if you want to copy it to the clipboard pass it to moi.copyTextToClipboard();

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
23 Jul 2021   [#248] In reply to [#246]
Hi mdesign,

> I would like to have the ability to put there some global variables which would be put together
> into one chart where I could change f.e. change hole size globally.

There are other programs called "parametric CAD" that are very focused on this type of work. If this is an important feature for you, i would strongly recommend using one of those programs for this work rather than MoI.

SolidWorks would be a good one to check out, I think they have a way to link a parametric variable to Excel.

The focus on MoI is on making things quick and fluid to draw. It's not focused on this kind of process control that you need.

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
23 Jul 2021   [#249] In reply to [#248]
Hi mDesign,

A hobbyist level CAD option might be Alibre Atom3D.
It has the parametric feature, so you might want to check it out.

Just FYI,
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
23 Jul 2021   [#250]
Hi Michael,

I might have missed your reply to this request, but just to be sure you didn't miss it... :)


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