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Full Version: V5 Wish List

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Apr 2021   [#108] In reply to [#107]
You have the same with native Transform / Orient / Orient or Line Line ! ;)
May fbeew clickc more but...
From: mdesign
1 Apr 2021   [#109] In reply to [#108]
What is line-line? Have you meant line-line drag and drop constraint?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Apr 2021   [#110] In reply to [#109]
Yes with only 2 Points as Start and 2 Points as Target + Helpers lines you can make anything you want with the fabulous Line-Line !
( + some parameters if you want Uniform, Stretch, None) , Copy or not )

From: mdesign
1 Apr 2021   [#111] In reply to [#110]
Thanks a lot. I haven`t known that too :)
From: Matadem
1 Apr 2021   [#112]
Good day.

1.I would like to see the ability to apply a materials to an object like its done in sketchup...not rendered as in keyshot etc but as a sketch would be more than usefull to me.
2.Parametric style editing if possible...sometime if I need to change something that is already done it is not easy.

From: Mindset (IGNITER)
2 Apr 2021   [#113] In reply to [#1]
> // few number record

How about a setting for how many to keep and listing them in a drop list?
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
2 Apr 2021   [#114]
Shortcut Keys; Options Tab
1. Import / Export
2. Search
3. Upon "Add", warn if key-combo is already in use.

Thanks Mike for all that you do!
From: Rich (-RB-)
7 Apr 2021   [#115]
I would love to see the introduction of a simple clipping plane (section plane) for sectional analysis of a model, would be hugely beneficial as it is in SketchUp

- Rich
From: RayCAD1962 (RAYCAD003)
8 Apr 2021   [#116]
I am very interest to see the following in the new update of V5.

1) The introduction of GUMBALL into 3Dmoi because is very effective and easy way to manipulating the NURBS curves to change the orientation of points that you need to create.
2) The introduction of Orient command in 3 points (ORIENT3Pt). This orient command is very effective of 3 points to align an object to another object more easy way.
3) The introduction of essential SubD geometry Tools commands. They are very amaze creations that you can do with them.
4) I like to see an introduction of plug-ins in the 3Dmoi environment to have more abilities in 3D.

These are what I am thinking to see for the next creation of V5.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Apr 2021   [#117] In reply to [#115]
<< a simple clipping plane (section plane) for sectional analysis of a model

Maybe can be made by the Elephant nodal system
From: Michael Gibson
8 Apr 2021   [#118] In reply to [#116]
Hi RayCAD,

> 2) The introduction of Orient command in 3 points (ORIENT3Pt). This orient command is very effective of
> 3 points to align an object to another object more easy way.

Can you please post an example file?

- Michael
From: RayCAD1962 (RAYCAD003)
9 Apr 2021   [#119] In reply to [#118]
Dear Michael,

Thank you for answering my questions regarding V5 update.

This particular command is in 3D Rhino and I try it and very easy to be used.

This particular question you already gave me how to use the existing command in 3DMoi,
referring to Transform --- Orient but the Rhino command is very more easy to use and to align.

I am sending you an attachment explain to you what I am looking for to see it in your next
V5 update.

If it is possible to include the GUMBall into the 3DMoi, I am so happy to see it because the way you
manipulate the points is very easy. The one that 3DMoi have is good but it not like GumBall. Sometimes
I find it frustrated.

Thank you again. Your 3DMoi is fantastic. If you see the Gallery you can see my last project " Space 1999: Eagle Transporter"
all made it with 3DMoi V4 and rendering with Keyshot.

Image Attachments:
Orient3Pt Commd.png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Apr 2021   [#120] In reply to [#119]
Maybe not so easy but a simple Line-Line (none) + Rotate axis give a same result! :)

From: Matadem
9 Apr 2021   [#121]
Good day.
Maybe to add the ability to quickly cut while in 3d view to create interesting shapes at 1:42

Also the ability to create 2d drawings for shop use ready to print. at 1:00

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Apr 2021   [#122] In reply to [#121]
The Cut that you show is Voxels not sure that arrives inside Moi ;)
Boolean Diff cut as weel... so make plane solid by 3 Pts

< < to create interesting shapes
you can make funny forms with Moi ;)

From: Chris Jones (CHRISJONES75)
22 Apr 2021   [#123]
Really simple request:

To be able to switch between views with a shortcut key. In Cinema 4D, you can press the scroll wheel on a mouse to switch between all four views to individual views. Or like in Blender, the numeric keypad switches views. That would be smoother than having to press one of the keys at the bottom panel.

And one for the community – more tutorials, workflow tips etc.

Michael – great program, keep up the great work!
From: Michael Gibson
22 Apr 2021   [#124] In reply to [#123]
Hi Chris, you can set up shortcut keys to switch between views currently, see here for what to put in for the "command" part of the shortcut key:

- Michael
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
22 Apr 2021   [#125]
Hi Michael,

Not a barn burner, but maybe an opacity setting for the grid.
It only seemed an issue when using reference images as set from the view tab.

From: Cemortan_Tudor
30 Apr 2021   [#126] In reply to [#121]
for 1 -> i've made a script for that - polycut
select object -> cut - great for sketching
From: Matadem
1 May 2021   [#127] In reply to [#126]

The script causes Moi3d v4 to hang and get stuck :(


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