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Full Version: V4 released!

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From: LarryV
23 Dec 2021   [#180]
Hello Michael, everyone, I'd like to ask whether there are incremental updates to V4 since its initial non-beta release. The reason why I'm asking is because I upgraded to V4 pretty early on and I was wondering if there have been any minor version updates released since which I may be missing.

Thank you!
From: Michael Gibson
23 Dec 2021   [#181] In reply to [#180]
Hi Larry, no there haven't been any upgrades to v4 as of yet. I am hoping to start v5 betas soon, sorry it's taking a while to get that started.

- Michael
From: LarryV
3 Jan 2022   [#182] In reply to [#181]
Hello Michael!

Happy New Year to you and yours and everyone and everyone's here!

As far as I'm concerned, please take your time. You did exceptional work with both V3 and V4. I especially love V4! I only asked about minor version increments since I like to stay up to date with my software. V5 will be done when it's done.

Have an awesome 2022!

- Larry.
From: Michael Gibson
3 Jan 2022   [#183] In reply to [#182]
Thanks Larry, Happy New Year!

- Michael
From: Lewis3D
4 Mar 2022   [#184]
Hi there,

I can't get "Ext.Scripts" button to appear in my moi v4 GUI, I get it in the MOI v3 (but it's 32 bit so can't use it for bigger objects anymore) but whatever i do copy/paste scripts/ui stuff from v3 i to v4 i still can't get the button show up in moi v4 :(.

Can someone point me to example how to do that in moi v4 ?

From: Michael Gibson
5 Mar 2022   [#185] In reply to [#184]
Hi Lewis, the CustomUI mod from Max is different for v4. There is a new version of it for v4 and it is installed differently, in v4 it goes in the MoI appdata startup folder.

You can get it at , use the link for the v4 one not the one for v3.

- Michael
From: Lewis3D
5 Mar 2022   [#186]
Thanks Michael, if i only could find it there in 485 pages.

Any hint on which page is located link for v4 :)?

From: Michael Gibson
5 Mar 2022   [#187] In reply to [#186]
Hi Lewis,

> Any hint on which page is located link for v4 :)?

It's located on the first message of the thread, page 1 and it's the first link in the first message:

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: Lewis3D
6 Mar 2022   [#188] In reply to [#187]
Thanks Michaele, that worked.

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