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Full Version: 2D pdf Export problem

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From: Michael Gibson
20 Dec 2020   [#12] In reply to [#10]
One of the problems was that it was centering on the upper-right corner of the page instead of the center of the page, and also dimensions didn't export. Both should be fixed in the current Oct-27 v4 beta release.

- Michael
From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
21 Feb 2021   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Hi Michael. I was doing a small shop drawing for my father with the new dims (which are awesome!). When I select the dims and linework and export to a pdf file, I am not getting the dims on the output?

From: Michael Gibson
21 Feb 2021   [#14] In reply to [#13]
Hi Jason,

> When I select the dims and linework and export to a pdf file, I am not
> getting the dims on the output?

Please check what version of MoI you are running. Dims export to PDF was one of the last features added and was implemented in the Oct-27-2020 v4 beta, if you're running a version older than that then that would be the problem.

You can get the last v4 beta at and also the v4 final version is out now as well.

If that wasn't the problem can you please post or e-mail ( the .3dm model file with your dims in it that won't export?

- Michael

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