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Full Version: V4 beta Oct-27-2020 available now

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Oct 2020   [#42] In reply to [#40]
Indeed! Excellent!

From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#43] In reply to [#35]
Hi Larry,

> Well in that case, I'd vote for keeping it simple now to ease your future plans. Since I'm
> just an amateur draftsman, probably worth waiting to see what the professionals think
> regarding the need for an "Arrow gap".

Well these functions are intended for use by "amateurs" too! :)

The Arrow gap functionality is in there now actually, you should be able to use it with those scripts.

I think I may have come up with a good idea for how it can co-exist with a spline curve leader without too much trouble.

> Attached. While Max's script has been greatly appreciated, your new dimensions tools are a treat
> to work with and I really like being able to see the Text and Value fields in this new beta. In this
> case some simple plans for an addition.

These are great, thanks for sharing them!

Was this using the "Scaling: By screen size" method?

- Michael
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
29 Oct 2020   [#44] In reply to [#43]
I'll experiment with the Arrow gaps coming up!

Yes, I'm using the "Scaling: By screen size" method.

From: stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
29 Oct 2020   [#45] In reply to [#40]
Hi Michael, thanks for all your help and improvements! Cheers Stefano
From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#46] In reply to [#36]
Hi Mik,

> pls find attached PDF export examples.

Those are looking really good!

> When I exported Dim Test.pdf the dialog window didn't offer Line styl option as in
> case of export directy from arranged 3D models.

The line style options only show up when you have some solids or surfaces being exported so it's doing a hidden-line drawing generation.

I have it on my "after v4" list to have some controls for line width on the wireframe type export as well.

> It woud be great to have Line style option for export lines only or new
> script "ArrangeModelInto4Views" :-)

I'd like to get it set up so you could generate 4 views as a built in part of the exporter.

> Is it possible to avoid the "corner line" in angular dim?

Hmm, no not currently. I guess that's why other CAD program use small lines around the arrowheads rather having the lines connect to the center point.

I'll take a look at cleaning that up.

Thanks, - Michael
From: WN
29 Oct 2020   [#47] In reply to [#23]
Hi Michael.
> Can you please describe this one a bit more? If you could also post the .3dm model file that may help me understand.

I meant this:

Without all this, of course, you can do, and what you have done will cover most of the tasks.

I can't imagine how difficult it was for you but judging by the time spent it was a rough trip with a big backpack and a bunch of boy scouts. :)
With the successful completion of the journey!


From: fcwilt
29 Oct 2020   [#48]

A minor issue.

When exporting the 3DM file being exported from is marked as CHANGED.

If there is no change that I need to save could it be NOT marked as changed?


From: bemfarmer
29 Oct 2020   [#49] In reply to [#47]
The symbol Ø refers to the Diameter of a circle, or a circular arc.

R is for radius.
I see CR, SR, and SØ Could be used with a Leader.

I never took a drafting class. Is there a good, simple website for the basics?

- Brian

alt 0216 = Ø
(use numeric keypad)
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
29 Oct 2020   [#50] In reply to [#46]
Hi Michael,

> Hmm, no not currently. I guess that's why other CAD program use small lines around the arrowheads rather having the lines connect to the center point.

It would be great, because then we can avoid this:

... only from interest: Would it be possible to add somewhere to Annotation properties somewhat like Scale factor, which recalculates dim values according specific Scale?

I know, I can write dirrectly the dim value in Text field, but it would be cool to have such feature :-)

> I'd like to get it set up so you could generate 4 views as a built in part of the exporter.

What is your idea?

Sorry for too many questions: Did you have a chance to have a look on this post regarding generating hidden line during export?


Image Attachments:
Dim Test 6.jpg  Dim Test Angular Spike.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#51] In reply to [#38]
Hi Mik,

> I have one more question.
> If I export some geometry and uncheck before export "generate hidden lines", then dialog window appears
> "Generating hidden lines" and some time it takes generating hiddens lines probably, but they are invisible
> in exported geometry.

The message "Generating hidden lines" with the progress bar means something more like "Generating a hidden line drawing", that means the whole process of calculating which pieces of curves are visible and which are hidden.

Then there are different types of curves that can be generated in the drawing - visible lines, outlines, silhouettes, and hidden lines. The outlines, silhouettes, and hidden lines can be turned off if you don't want those particular things. For some drawing types it can be good to show the curve pieces that are hidden in something faint like a dashed line style.

But even if you turn off the "Generate hidden lines" checkbox, the prompt with the progress bar will still say "Generating hidden lines", but there it's referring to the whole process really. That's just because that type of drawing can often be described as a "hidden line drawing" or "hidden line removal": Does that make sense?

> No problem with simple model, but it takes significant amount of time when it's exported complex model.

Do you have the "Canvas megapixel resolution" set to a high value possibly?

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#52] In reply to [#44]

> Yes, I'm using the "Scaling: By screen size" method.

This method is not common in CAD but it is very convenient for simple drawings because you don't have to mess with setting scale factors to get a reasonable text size. With this method if you set it to have 12pt text, you see 12pt text on screen and it makes 12pt text in the PDF too. No giant text or tiny text.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#53] In reply to [#47]
Hi WN,

> I meant this:

Ok, that helps me understand now. Yes, I'll look at fixing that up.

If I understand correctly, you can use a workaround currently to get the result you want. The workaround is to initially place the radial dimension inside the arc's center point, then turn on edit points for the dim and drag the text point out like this:

But yes, it would be good to be able to draw one like that directly, I'll take a look.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#54] In reply to [#48]
Hi Frederick,

> A minor issue.
> When exporting the 3DM file being exported from is marked as CHANGED.
> If there is no change that I need to save could it be NOT marked as changed?

What file format are you exporting to where you are running into this?

It used to happen when exporting to a polygon mesh format, but that should actually be fixed in this beta release. I happened to skip including it in the release notes.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#55] In reply to [#49]
Hi Brian,

> I never took a drafting class. Is there a good, simple website for the basics?

Well it can be a little different between different industries.

Here's a cool overview for mechanical engineering that OSTexo posted a while ago:

- Michael
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
29 Oct 2020   [#56] In reply to [#51]
Hi Michael,

Yes, it makes sense. It seems that it's rather language issue for me then problem with funcionality :-) I feel th words "hidden line" as "invisible lines", i.e. lines, which are drawn by dashed line, therefore message "Generating hidden lines" was confusing for me :-)

Canvas megapixel resolution = 15

Thanks for explanation.
From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#57] In reply to [#50]
Hi Mik,

> It would be great, because then we can avoid this:

Yes that's definitely not good!

That's what happens from me looking at dimensions all by themselves too much - the angular dimensions with little stubby extension lines look kind of weird all on their own but you need them for this type of thing.

> ... only from interest: Would it be possible to add somewhere to Annotation properties
> somewhat like Scale factor, which recalculates dim values according specific Scale?

I've seen in other CAD programs that you can put in expressions or formulas to be applied to the distance value to modify it. Something like this might fit in with that kind of thing but that's probably a ways down the road.

> > I'd like to get it set up so you could generate 4 views as a built in part of the exporter.
> What is your idea?

Nothing really specific yet, just that I'd like to make it possible to generate a drawing like you show there (not the detail view one though) all in one single export. But without having an entire paperspace/sheet parallel editing world. Maybe that can come in eventually too but it would be good to have something simpler before that.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#58] In reply to [#56]
Hi Mik,

> Canvas megapixel resolution = 15

Well that's really low actually so that's not the problem. You might want to bump that up to something like 50 or 60 or so to get some more accuracy if you find hidden/visible lines not quite meeting up properly. A higher value will also increase file size though because the shaded background image will be larger too.

It does do quite a bit of work so it's normal for it to take a while on complex files. It might be a good area to target for multi-core processing at some point.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Oct 2020   [#59]
No possibility to convert dimensions, something to be "separated" ?
From: Michael Gibson
30 Oct 2020   [#60] In reply to [#59]
Hi Pilou,

> No possibility to convert dimensions, something to be "separated" ?

It is possible to do that by exporting the dimension out to PDF or AI format and then reading that file back in although you will lose the fills. But you can select the things that should be filled and use Construct > Planar to make a surface out of them.

What is it that you are trying to do by having the dimensions separated?

- Michael
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
30 Oct 2020   [#61] In reply to [#57]
Hi Michael,

very good FREE sw for dimensioning is Solid Edge 2D Drafting
and together with Make2D4Views script is effective combo for technical drawing.

... of course this is a special tool for technical drawing, but it could be good source of inspiration for MOI DIM tools.

>Nothing really specific yet, just that I'd like to make it possible to generate a drawing like you show there (not the detail view one though) all in one single export.

IMHO it would be more than enough at the moment.

It would be nice to have command under fold DIM, which generate .3DM file with all set of views in one file, where the 3D models are perpenicularly arranged in TOP view for example, i.e. in opened model I highlight one part, which has to be manufactured = technical drawing, then I click to command and save it to desired place. TOP view appear after opening the file, where it will be seen 4 models in basic views, then I can import and scale the Table, see enclosed, and start create Technical drawing.

I think that 3D models are more advantageous instead of "Make2D curves", because PDF export offers at now many settings for presentation and if I need 2D curves, then I only highlight all models and run Make2D script, resulted curves can be export in DXF, for example.


Technical Table sample.3dm

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