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Full Version: V4 beta Oct-27-2020 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
28 Oct 2020   [#18] In reply to [#15]
Hi Larry,

> With regard to the leaders, I wonder if it would make sense to have a gap that is similar to
> the extension gap, but used to offset the arrow tip from the object? Being able to have a
> controllable gap there would serve the same purpose as the extension gap: to visually
> separate the annotation from the object it refers to. As I've been working with the leaders,
> I've often wished that I could have a little gap between the object and the leader's arrow tip.

There is actually an "Arrow gap" setting for that which doesn't have an entry in the UI yet because I have been waiting to see if anyone needed it or whether I could get rid of it. The reason why I wanted to get rid of it is that it will make some other future options like spline curve leaders a lot more difficult with the spline needing to be clipped.

You can turn it on by script right now though, if you select a leader and run this script it will set it:

For annotations with "Scaling: By screen size":

script: moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getAnnotations().setProperty( 'arrowGap', 7.0 );

For annotations with "Scaling: By model units":

script: moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getAnnotations().setProperty( 'arrowGapModelUnits', 0.2 );

It works on all annotation types that have arrows: linear dims, radial dims, angular dims, and leaders.

If you're generating some PDF output with leaders and/or dims I'd love to see some example PDF files!

Maybe instead of clipping a spline curve leader I could shove the end control point of the spline over to the base of the arrowhead that might be easier to have those co-exist in v5.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
28 Oct 2020   [#19] In reply to [#12]

> Interesting idea. I haven't had cause to tinker with the startup scripts, but could imagine there
> is a use-case for allowing an ordering mechanism. Might be a bit interesting to make it
> generalized though: would users have to either edit that first line or perhaps rename files,
> either way seems to make it more challenging to support.

It wouldn't be something for users to edit really, it would be for the author of the script to use when making the script. Like maybe some script that wants to totally replace the UI would work more smoothly if it ran early on in the startup process so it wouldn't need to load the regular UI and then throw it away. While some other script that wanted to make a minor modification to the UI would work better if the regular UI was all finished being set up.

Some other possibilities might be that it could say "run after a file is loaded", "run before shutdown", stuff like that.

At any rate, it was intended that the current startup scripts should run after the UI is set up but right before the window is actually displayed, so that they could modify things without stuff visibly shifting or flickering on screen. But while trying to do this script over here: I discovered that they were running a little earlier than I thought (at least on Windows), it was happening after the UI content was finished loading but before the main window had been sized. It's a little difficult for a script to modify some elements of the UI at that point with other parts of the startup process like the initial UI panel layout still coming after that.

It also appears that with the previous way there was some difference in the state of the app between Windows and Mac at the time the startup scripts ran so that's not good. I need to look at this a little more to make sure.

- Michael
From: stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
28 Oct 2020   [#20] In reply to [#18]
Top work Michael, thanking you for all your great improvements!
Cheers Stefano
From: AlexPolo
28 Oct 2020   [#21]
Great work Michael, another leap in making MOI the sharpest pencil in the cad toolkit.
From: WN
28 Oct 2020   [#22]
Hi, Michael.

Exporting blocked lines to the PDF, as they are displayed in the program, will allow you to show the center lines.

There is also no control when measuring the radius inside the circle behind the center.

After fixing the radius dimension line, if the cursor remains in the same place,
then the extension line with the text is not fixed, only the arrow and the radius line remain on the screen.


From: Michael Gibson
28 Oct 2020   [#23] In reply to [#22]
Hi WN,

> There is also no control when measuring the radius inside the circle behind the center.

Can you please describe this one a bit more? If you could also post the .3dm model file that may help me understand.

> After fixing the radius dimension line, if the cursor remains in the same place,
> then the extension line with the text is not fixed, only the arrow and the radius line remain on the screen.

Yes this will happen if the 2nd and 3rd points are stacked up on top of each other. You can fix it by selecting the dim, using Edit > Show pts on it, and then dragging the last point so there is some distance between it and the previous point.

- Michael
From: Finema
28 Oct 2020   [#24]
Good Job Michael !

Message 10011.25 was deleted

From: mkdm
28 Oct 2020   [#26] In reply to [#1]
Hello Michael!

"This one is a big milestone because for the first time in 5 years my "todo" list of things for finishing up the v4 software is empty!"

So...a huge, long, and steep road you traveled!

Finally we're almost at a true new "starting point" now.

Congrats :)

I can't wait to see some new long awaited feature coming to Moi3D also :)

Stay well!
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
28 Oct 2020   [#27] In reply to [#20]
Hi Michael,

excellent job, as usual!

I dont't know why, but I cannot find in moi.ini 3dm settings: [3DM] Version=

From: Michael Gibson
28 Oct 2020   [#28] In reply to [#27]
Thanks Marco & everyone!

@Mik - re:
> I dont't know why, but I cannot find in moi.ini 3dm settings: [3DM] Version=

It should be near the end since it's a new setting, but also it will only get added when it has been accessed at least one time which happens when you save a .3DM file. If you still don't see it you can add it in like this:


Do you need to write a Rhino v4 .3dm file instead of a Rhino v5 .3dm file?

- Michael
From: Rudl
28 Oct 2020   [#29] In reply to [#28]
Very good job.

Thank you very much.

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
29 Oct 2020   [#30] In reply to [#28]
Hi Michael,

I've saved the .3DM file and the setting is visible now.

>Do you need to write a Rhino v4 .3dm file instead of a Rhino v5 .3dm file?
Not now, but I cooperate with others on projects across several CAD platforms and versions, therefore it's good to know, that it's pssibility to save .3DM file into older Rhino version.

I've noticed as well, that MOI can read Rhino5 file and older, do you plan readibility of Rhino6 .3DM files too?

From: Michael Gibson
29 Oct 2020   [#31] In reply to [#30]
Hi Mik,

> I've noticed as well, that MOI can read Rhino5 file and older, do you plan readibility of Rhino6 .3DM files too?

Not for MoI version 4 but maybe in the future. I'm not sure though, there has been a lot of changes in the OpenNURBS 3DM library for Rhino v6 and it may take a fair amount of work to update to it. I won't really know how much work is involved until I can dig into it some.

I don't really like how it has ended up with new .3dm file versions not being backwards compatible to be readable by older versions of the library.

- Michael
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
29 Oct 2020   [#32] In reply to [#1]
Once again, excellent work has been done. Thanks a lot, Michael
From: fcwilt
29 Oct 2020   [#33]

Good work.

Looking forward to finally paying for this upgrade - you've earned it.

Perhaps you can now take a break and relax for awhile.


Then we can talk about version 5. :)

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
29 Oct 2020   [#34] In reply to [#31]
Hi Michael,

>I don't really like how it has ended up with new .3dm file versions not being backwards compatible to be readable by older versions of the library.

Yes, that is problem in mainstream sw in general as well as Rhino.

Fortunately it exists certain transfer files.

BTW. I had chance to compare Rhino vs MOI soem days ago, and I have to say the intuitiveness and effectiveness of MOI is very addictive :-). Thanks for such great sw.
From: Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
29 Oct 2020   [#35] In reply to [#18]
Hi Michael,

> There is actually an "Arrow gap" setting for that which doesn't have an
> entry in the UI yet because I have been waiting to see if anyone needed
> it or whether I could get rid of it. The reason why I wanted to get rid of
> it is that it will make some other future options like spline curve leaders
> a lot more difficult with the spline needing to be clipped.

Well in that case, I'd vote for keeping it simple now to ease your future plans. Since I'm just an amateur draftsman, probably worth waiting to see what the professionals think regarding the need for an "Arrow gap".

> If you're generating some PDF output with leaders and/or dims I'd
> love to see some example PDF files!

Attached. While Max's script has been greatly appreciated, your new dimensions tools are a treat to work with and I really like being able to see the Text and Value fields in this new beta. In this case some simple plans for an addition.


Roof plan.pdf

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
29 Oct 2020   [#36] In reply to [#35]
Hi Michael,

pls find attached PDF export examples.

It works perfectly!

Dim Test.pdf was exported via your excellent Make2D4Views script, Dim Test2 was exported from copied models and arranged into same views as via script.

When I exported Dim Test.pdf the dialog window didn't offer Line styl option as in case of export directy from arranged 3D models.

It woud be great to have Line style option for export lines only or new script "ArrangeModelInto4Views" :-)

Is it possible to avoid the "corner line" in angular dim?


Dim Test 2.pdf
Dim Test.pdf

Image Attachments:
Angular Dim Corner.jpg 

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
29 Oct 2020   [#37] In reply to [#36]
Probably new script "ArrangeModelInto4Views" woud be more useful for possibility of shaded backround.

Dim Test 3.pdf

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