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Full Version: V4 beta Oct-27-2020 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
12 Nov 2020   [#116] In reply to [#114]
Hi Chri, for the z value one it would probably work best to do that in one of the elevation views rather than in the 3D view.

> Is there a way to lock dimension axis (x, y or z), then click
> on 2 points to create the dimension and a third point to place the result

There is a way to do that, if you make a construction line you can then activate "Project next point" onto it:

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Nov 2020   [#117] In reply to [#116]
Ah damned I was very near the solution ! :)
Yours is very more elegant! (but i love also my Edit frame solution! :)
The helpers Lines are very powerful! ! The click move without release release must be a second nature! :)
And very cool use of the Project next point who was some mysterious is very enlighting here!
From: christian (CHRI)
12 Nov 2020   [#118] In reply to [#116]
hI Michael

Excellent trick
the solution is to create a projection point before !


Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Nov 2020   [#119]
@ Michael : Your videos are not resized by the forum :)

Else last headache for be complete in 3D view!

Does it possible to draw a double arrow between A & B ?

I found but it's not direct!
Draw any dimension somewhere then Orient Line / Line Scaling: Stretch ! :)
(will be fine if numerical number will be front camera...if possible...

From: Michael Gibson
12 Nov 2020   [#120] In reply to [#119]
Hi Pilou,

> @ Michael : Your videos are not resized by the forum :)

Yes, the forum only knows how to resize images, not videos.

> Does it possible to draw a double arrow between A & B ?

Well the dims are planar objects so you would need to make a construction plane that had the line between A and B on it and then you could create a dim there.

The essential job of a dimension is to label the projected distance between things, not the 3D distance between things.

Trying to label 3D distances is dangerous because it becomes easy to misinterpret the measurement.

So when you see a drawing that has this for example:

it should be this distance that is being labeled:

and not this:

- Michael

Image Attachments:
pilou_dim1.jpg  pilou_dim2.jpg  pilou_dim3.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
12 Nov 2020   [#121] In reply to [#114]
Hi Chri, also another thing you can set up to help with placing a dim in the z direction is put this on a shortcut key (like on the z key):

script: /* Snap to z direction */ var pp = moi.ui.getActivePointPicker(); if ( pp && pp.basePt ) { pp.restrictToLinePtDir( pp.basePt, moi.vectorMath.createPoint(0,0,1), true ); }

Then when you are drawing the dim after you place the first point you can push the Z key and that will lock it to the z direction and you can pick your other point. It's the same as making a construction line and activating "Project next pt" but just with one key press.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Nov 2020   [#122] In reply to [#120]
Ok not a problem just that was curious the "Front View Camera", "align view" (?) was working for other dimensions
and not for this specific inclined one
(and very special diagonal view in only certain "Front" views) ...not vital! :)

Tricky the "Z" block! But not sure to well use...
seems that blocked the drawing of the vertical dimensions along edges in the 3D View ?
not only the one in drawing but next...
Even restart the prog and not re-using the Z shortcut...
here my shortCut used one time so the only thing I made...
script: /* Snap to z direction */ var pp = moi.ui.getActivePointPicker(); if ( pp && pp.basePt ) { pp.restrictToLinePtDir( pp.basePt, moi.vectorMath.createPoint(0,0,1), true ); }

I can't make this anymore ??? Vertical dimensions are not drawn in the vertical way like following! ???

OK that's return!!!
I suppose i had pressed "From object" button by error because i had not this inside dashed frame!

So now the "Z" blocker is working well! :)


Seems Details don't access to these length...

But found again! :) Show Points and move them to the extremities arrows! Excellent!

The Edit Frame erase all when moved Points arrive to the Arrows! :(
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Nov 2020   [#123]

Does it normal that the Helper Line / Project Next Point works only on a Snap Point
and not also along an edge/line under the mouse move "on" ?
From: Michael Gibson
13 Nov 2020   [#124] In reply to [#123]
Hi Pilou, yes that is normal. That's because there are situations where the whole screen can be filled with an "on" snap especially for "on surface". If the point projection tried to use "on" snaps to then project it would make it difficult to track along the line.

Something like this for example:

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: christian (CHRI)
13 Nov 2020   [#125] In reply to [#121]
Hi Michael

Yes , with shortcut key it's quick and easy ( like M.O.I )

The next file is a GIF


Image Attachments:

From: sandykoufax (JEONGHO_KIM)
16 Nov 2020   [#126]

Any change Undo level in recently?
It seems that the undo step is less than before.

From: Michael Gibson
16 Nov 2020   [#127] In reply to [#126]
Hi sandykoufax,

> Any change Undo level in recently?
> It seems that the undo step is less than before.

No, there haven't been any changes in that area for a long time.

Are you maybe constructing heavier objects recently?

What are your settings in moi.ini :


You could try increasing MaxMemorySizeMB to allow it to use more memory.

- Michael
From: sandykoufax (JEONGHO_KIM)
16 Nov 2020   [#128] In reply to [#127]
Yes, I'm doing somewhat heavy modeling.
Thank you for answer.
I have to increase the MaxMemorysize.
From: sandykoufax (JEONGHO_KIM)
16 Nov 2020   [#129] In reply to [#127]

I cannot find [Undo] section in my Moi.ini file.

And Below is the content.

Startup template=



Should I add them in the ini file?
From: coi (MARCO)
16 Nov 2020   [#130] In reply to [#129]
there is an [Undo] section in mine. give it a try..

From: sandykoufax (JEONGHO_KIM)
16 Nov 2020   [#131] In reply to [#130]
Thank you.

I don't understand why my ini file has not this section.
From: Michael Gibson
16 Nov 2020   [#132] In reply to [#129]
Hi sandykoufax, hmmm yes it's supposed to write the [Undo] section when the program shuts down. Maybe something is not shutting down properly anymore in v4, I'll take a look.

But yes if you don't have it you can add it in at the end, the default settings are:


You can bump up MaxMemorySizeMB by quite a bit. Then the way it will work is it will keep at least 10 and keep more than that if the total amount of space for undo objects is less than MaxMemorySizeMB.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
16 Nov 2020   [#133] In reply to [#131]
Hi sandykoufax, so yes the missing settings are an undo shutdown bug in v4, I've got it fixed for the v4 final version. For now just add it in to the end of your moi.ini .

- Michael
From: sandykoufax (JEONGHO_KIM)
16 Nov 2020   [#134] In reply to [#132]
Thank you!

I set the

Can I do this?
From: Michael Gibson
16 Nov 2020   [#135] In reply to [#134]
Hi sandykoufax,

> I set the
> MaxMemorySizeMB=200
> MinNumberOfUndos=50
> Can I do this?

You can, but that will force it to retain 50 undos at a minimum no matter how much memory that consumes. If you are working with complex models that could have the potential to consume a very large amount of memory.

It's safer to raise only the MaxMemorySizeMB only and not the MinNumberOfUndos.

- Michael

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