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Full Version: AutoRotate script final

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From: Michael (ORION20036)
26 Feb 2013   [#21] In reply to [#20]
That does the trick just great Michael, I spend so much time on my sculptures that I never have the time to create animations, so this will get me moving on some YouTube promotions.

I will post some of the links later in the week when I have sorted some of my sculptures out to animate.

Many Thanks for your time and innovation!.
From: shayno
14 Apr 2013   [#22]
Hi Michael
Is there a command or script to hide/unhide the background grid

I forget but what is a good screen video capture program
From: Michael Gibson
14 Apr 2013   [#23] In reply to [#22]
Hi shayne, see here for a script you can paste as the command part of a shortcut key for doing a hide/unhide of the grid:

> I forget but what is a good screen video capture program

I use Camtasia:

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Jun 2016   [#24]
French version! ;)

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