Logitech Remote control

 From:  Michael Gibson
992.2 In reply to 992.1 
Hi Iwan, I am glad you are enjoying MoI - thanks for the feedback and posting the model.

Nice model - very clean construction!

> - extract U/V iso curve from any already built surface

This is something I expect to add to version 2, I think it will go as an additional command under Construct / Curve, where Project and Isect are currently at.

> - edit the surface with points on the drawing curves

You mean by editing points along the edges of a solid? Unfortunately this one is quite difficult to achieve, the structure of MoI's objects makes it hard to pull pieces of a joined solid around while guaranteeing that the edges don't pull apart to create gaps.

It's a lot different structure than a polygon modeler... This post here tries to explain some of the difficulties with squishing things with shared edges with this kind of object structure: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=759.12

However, the same structure that makes it difficult to pull points of a solid around is also the reason why boolean operations work so well, since booleans create "trim curves" that mark regions of a surface that are inactive instead of actually cutting things up into tons of tiny slivery pieces like polygon-based booleans do.

- Michael