Logitech Remote control

 From:  lwan
Heya MoI3D crew,

I enjoy MoI3D more and more each time I use it. There is a couple things I'd like to see in MoI3D :

- extract U/V iso curve from any already built surface
- edit the surface with points on the drawing curves :) I know this is possible with primitives but it would be really cool if we could to that on any surface, at any time after any operation. *dreaming*

Also, the mesh export is always more or less.. bad ! I thought it was 3dsmax import but I tried in deep exploration, meshlab... and it always went with mesh discontinuities, cracks and smoothing problems. PowerNurbs import the 3dm and extract to mesh just perfect, but I do not have it (way too expensive just to have the import feature) and I have to rely on a friend to get the mesh right.

now here is the picture. I'm glad the final will be soon released so I can support you with my money ! :D

EDITED: 6 Oct 2007 by LWAN
