V4 beta Oct-10-2019 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.139 In reply to 9526.137 
Hi David,

> Sorry if it has been said before, but....I think that the option "From object" in Dim must be
> checked -not pushing the button each time- in order to keep this option active while the
> dim task is doing.

Unfortunately a checkbox option is not quite feasible here. If you start out with nothing selected, then setting the checkbox would need to ask you to select an object. That selection is an additional stage of the command and the global UI convention in MoI is that setting a checkbox state should not cause a new stage of a command to be entered, that's always done by a push button, not a check button.

It is possible though to set up a keyboard shortcut that will automatically trigger the "From object" button so you don't have to click it separately.

To do that set up a shortcut key with one of the following:

DimHorizontal FromObject

DimVertical FromObject

DimAligned FromObject

Those keyboard shortcuts will be the same as running the command and clicking the FromObject button.

- Michael