V4 beta Oct-10-2019 available now

 From:  mantaskava
9526.121 In reply to 9526.113 
Thanks for an explanation, Michael.
So it seems when I first heard about these new "Dimensions" I misunderstood them and somehow imagined it will be something like the system in SW/Inventor etc. (probably because I was working in SW for a few years back in the day).
But all clear now. It would be really nice to someday get this feature working just like in apps mentioned before, though :) so fingers crossed!

Love the updated fbx exporter too (especially naming export). Since before this, every time time I changed something in the model and re-exported it to 3DS Max I had to rename all the parts once again (and usually there's like 10-20 of them). And that was a pain in the ass which is now gone, thanks to You.