V4 beta Oct-10-2019 available now

 From:  mantaskava
9526.106 In reply to 9526.105 
Okay, and what are you gonna use that documentation for? I mean are you doing actual production/manufacturing or? Are these screenshots with measurements for the client that asked you to design the product/some kind of part? That's the only use case scenario I can think of at the moment.
Same about "Details" part- what's the actual use of that info? is it production/manufacturing or?

As you can see I'm probably most interested of what exact field/industry benefits from these new features. Because for me (archviz) I cannot think of where I could use these features. And I hope someone can enlighten me :)

And again, no hate from my side. Love MoI since a few years ago.

To answer your question- for starters, I would expect measurements to be live/connected to the model/spline. Meaning if I move model- measurements follow. If I scale model- measurements update automatically. If I double click on measurements- I can enter new values and the model updates accordingly. Basically how measurements work in parametric modeling apps like SW, Inventor, and Fusion 360 (I believe).