Bravlin - artisan brushes

 From:  Bravlin
I don't looking for "sculpting in Moi3D". I already understand that this program have its specialty.
But so far, i often move points on surfaces, use Flow deformer etc. And i feel lack of falloff feature in such operations.
With falloff i can move one control point and affect all nearby points a little.
And without it, i get the same result but in a sequence of mostly the same movement operations.

I do not ask about universal falloff feature that would deform two different surfaces that share one "trim curve" flawlessly (by the way it would be interesting to see how Flow deformer works).
I also understand that surface that looks like one object may consist of two and more invisible surfaces with different geometry and density trimmed and limited by "trim curves".

But still we can move control points on such surfaces one by one and result looks good and trim curves describe surface right.

Yes if we have only few points on a surface and move one of them too much we would affect all other points and our surface would not connect to its neighbors right any more.
But we can move neighbor surfaces later. And if we have heavy surface its a hell to move control points one by one. We also can move lots of points on heavy surfaces and do not affect connection line (or trim line of this surface).

EDITED: 12 Mar 2019 by BRAVLIN