V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

 From:  bemfarmer
9266.64 In reply to 9266.63 
Hi Michael,

Here is the requested zip file.

To demonstrate the mouse scroll wheel "Hole" in the nodeeditor canvas, place the subdirectory "libs" into the nodeeditor/extensions folder.

The "Hole" culprit is basicFunctions.js 1/13/2019 3:35 PM, which includes near the beginning of the .js, under docupath, ...("indexhtml?scheme=Light","")+"nodes\...
[My addition of ?scheme=Light introduced the "Hole" "bug", and allows dropdown documentation to work with only the "Light" ne version]

A more recent BETTER basicFunctions.js would be to rename and use basicFunctionsKarstensMarch13Trial, which works for both Light and Default Dark nodeeditor versions. (Karsten added [0]) This version ALSO has the "Hole".

A renamed basicFunctionsDarkOnly-NoHole enables the dropdown documentation to work, default dark version only, and does not have the "Hole".

The Documentation folder, which also goes in the extensions folder, just holds the dropdown documentation Sweep.html, with a bit of proofreading,

and the construct2.js extension, which goes in the extensions folder, adds a new Sweep node. [Neither a problem as far as I know.]

- Brian

EDITED: 14 Mar 2019 by BEMFARMER