Moi + TopMod+...

 From:  boja
894.7 In reply to 894.6 
Hi Pilou, thank for your lightning answer. I'm at work now, and 3d is an @home hobby, so I don't have files with me except some images of my car.

The matter is I was heart touched by your image because making grilles in Rhino can be a very tedious task (lots of polingons in render meshes too). This actually results in larger files and longer render times.

What I imagine is: suppose you have modeled an air intake in a part of your car surface and you wanna cap that hole with a flat (or carved) grille. If I could export that piece (obj) in topMod, obtain the quality you reached in your image, and come back in rhino to use that obj to cap that hole with that grille I could be an happier person.

Sorry if I mention Rhino here, but it's here that I found special minds at work. I apologize in advance if it hurts someone.