Flipped Polygons after MOI export

 From:  Michael Gibson
8820.3 In reply to 8820.1 
Hi Lewis, the easiest way to get objects to have a consistent outward pointing normal in polygon output is to make your objects be closed solids and not just open surfaces. Solids will have their normals automatically oriented towards the outside of the volume.

For your object that won't generate a different export after the Flip command, maybe there's something about the particular object's structure that may be interfering with things like if it has a degenerate surface in it. I'd need to see your object to know more, you can post it here or e-mail it to me at moi@moi3d.com if you want to keep it confidential.

I just tested the MoI flip command over here on a simple case of a plane and it seems to be working as expected. Note that MoI itself always shows both sides of surfaces so that's normal that you won't see any visual change to the object in MoI after doing a Flip on it. But the export should be affected by it. If it isn't happening in your case maybe it's a bug or maybe it's a problem with the geometry, I'd need to see it to know more.

- Michael