V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
Thanks everyone!

> only the text for view is too little

Yes, text display inside of viewports is the last remaining area that needs work to catch everything up to V3. This is what I'll be focusing on next.


> Karsten's CCC can be updated to show more curvatures/tangents?

Yes it should be possible for it to use the new evaluateCurvature(t) function. But it might need an additional method for getting curve parameter values for points equally spaced along the curve, I will see about adding that in.

> Closed curve start points might be moveable?

I think you may need a couple more things to make that work. I'm planning on adding another batch of curve functions for the next beta as well, that should do the trick.

> Clothoids could access starting tangents of two existing curve ends?

Yup, you can now use crv.evaluateTangent( crv.domainMin ); to get the start tangent and crv.evaluateTangent( crv.domainMax ); to get the end tangent.

Thanks, - Michael