Scripting the Trim command

 From:  bemfarmer
Thank you Michael.

I see, by adding an alert to the BlendCap script, which starts with a Closed edge, that the number of edges is stated as 3.
Since TRIM resulted in two "half" edges, is this an overstatement by 1, or is there a 3rd edge? (Or something else?)
(The index count in the BlendCap for loop would seem to be 0, 1, and 2... ?)

var brep_edges = trim_res.getEdges();

//// Test Code added by Brian:
moi.ui.alert ( 'number of edges = ' + brep_edges.length )

(Result is 3)


(When Trim is applied to an open edge my tests in _TrimCurve12, (work in progress), show an "overstatement" of the number of edges as 2. ???)
(I'm planning on deducting this 1 or 2 count, for doing number of segments comparison...)

- Brian