Is it possible to swap 3D and Right view?

 From:  JaXXoN

I have 3x2 multi-monitor setup (equivalent to a 60" display with a resolution of 5040x2100 pixels).

The moi main window is resized and positioned so that in Split view
* the Top view is located on the upper left monitor,
* the 3D view is located on the upper middle Monitor,
* the Front view is located on the lower left monitor and finally
* the Right view is located on the lower middle monitor
(the lower right monitor is i.e. used for the node editor)

Most of the time, I'm working with the 3D view, but the ortho-views are also frequently used to check alignment or for construction.

So in my case, it would be better if the 3D view and the Right view could be swapped in Split view.

Any feedback is highly appreciated.

TIA and best regards
