Export to DWG

 From:  flim
I have BricsCAD Mechanical v19, Rhino 6, I just bought MoI because I like the interface very much and would like to use it more.

I really hope MoI support DWG format, it is really helpful when communicate with vendors using AutoCAD, because DWG has layer. I am not only export 3D solid, but other data like the sketches.

If I export to other format the layer information are lost.

My supplier give me the DWG and I can open it in Rhino, I made changes and save it as DWG and send to them. If I want to use MoI I have to use Rhino to open the DWG then save as 3dm for MoI, make changes in MoI, I open the drawing in Rhino and save it back to DWG.
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