Adjoining modeled parts ???

 From:  Michael Gibson
877.6 In reply to 877.5 
Also don't forget that you need to push "Done" (in the upper-right area of the window) at various times to signal that you have completed a certain stage of the command.

A lot of commands that let you pick objects or adjust options will wait until you push "Done" before completing or going on to the next step.

You can also use a right-click inside of the 3D viewport area as a shortcut method for pushing the Done button, or also use the Enter key on your keyboard.

One tip in general - when you start a command try to look in the upper-right corner of the screen, there is a prompt there at the top of the options area that can help give you some information about what MoI is expecting for you to do next.

Like for instance if you start the Draw curve / Lines / Line command, it will say "Pick start point" up there - that means that MoI is waiting for you to click in a viewport to define the start point of the line.

Sometimes it will be waiting for you to select objects, like in a sweep it will say something like "Select profiles" or "Select one or two rails".

A lot of times looking at what that is saying up there can give you a clue as to what MoI is waiting for you to do next.

Many operations are broken down into several different stages, where you pick a point or select objects or change options at each one of the stages.

- Michael