Multiple sweeps

 From:  mkdm
8739.28 In reply to 8739.22 
Hello Mat!

As promised here's a little tutorial about the section of my previous video where I use the "project" command : where and why.

This is the video :
(it's about 240Mb so if you have a slow connection maybe it's better that you first download it and then watch it)

As usual, the way I show you in this tutorial is jut one of many alternative ways that you can follow to achieve the same results.
It depends on what you want to do and what kind of model you are treating.

As I said in other post, for me Moi is like a video game and sometimes I prefer to follow a certain technique that maybe can be slower than other
but for me in that particular moment is more fun :)

1) I use the project command to create this blend :

2) At some point I've used the Max's ScaleIndividual commad : get it at
(unzip and copy the .htm and .js files into the Mo's "commands" folder)

3) how did you go from the Isos to the pipes?
I did it in one shot.
I've simply created a circle somewhere on the top plane, then I have selected all the sweep rails (created with iso command) and finally I have performed the
Sweep with "pointy end" Ends.

I hope I made myself clear enough :)


- Marco (mkdm)