Multiple sweeps

 From:  mat10x
8739.20 In reply to 8739.17 
Hey Karsten,

Ok, if it's working for you...then I must be doing something wrong here. Ha.

>Select the outer face of the big sweep and select your small circle centers to place the isocurves. Then select one small circle and click sweep. Select all isocurves as rails - thats all:-)

Made the Iso curves in relation to the circle profiles, no issue.

Multiple isos are still highlighted/selected from the last operation as you suggested...I add/select one small "Sweep"...and the selection window says "select rails" MOI thinks the Isos and the small circle are the "profiles" and now wants the rail information.

In the "Sweep" function button "profile" (my circle) first, then "rails". So if I'm selecting all the Isos first...then the small circle...I don't see how that can work. Maybe I'm missing something?
