V4 beta Nov-27-2017 available now

 From:  bemfarmer
8704.60 In reply to 8704.57 
For Windows7:
With the exception of object library, the customui works pretty good in V4Beta, with maximized MoI window.
64 bit MoI4beta located at c:\program files\yourMoi4betaDirectoryName (\ui).

In the MoI4 ui folder, the Command bar must be modified a little bit, as previously described in November posts.

Copy over the customUI for MoI3, to ui folder, and scripts with a _ prefix to MoI's commands folder.
I think that will do it... (?)

Disclaimer, use at your own risk, and make backups...IMHO it is not particularly dangerous.
Or wait for Max's upgrades...

- Brian

Edit, deleted last paragraph.

EDITED: 10 Dec 2017 by BEMFARMER