DXF related question

 From:  Michael Gibson
8703.14 In reply to 8703.13 
Hi Paul, that's great I'm glad that's working for you!

> - If you implement the DXF-layer to MoI-Styles feature, could you do this not only for
> the V4 but, if there will be a maintainace release in the future, also for the V3?

I'm sorry but I'm not doing any more work on V3 except for absolutely critical fixes.

> If I have wishes/suggestions for the V4 (for example an autoupdate and autoscroll for
> the logging window for easier debugging?), where should I place them, in the forum
> and/or on the Wiki-pages?

Here in the forum would be great. For improved logging it's probably more likely that I'd try to add support for some of the system logging tools like OutputDebugString on Windows, that way you'd be able to use some other existing tool to see a live logging stream rather than me spending time on that.

> The same, I found some little thing, testing the V4, for example, when you click SaveAs, firstly the
> Open-Dialog appears, and after canceling that, the SaveAs Dialog (I assume you know that already),

That looks like a bug in the customized SaveAs.js replacement - at the top where it uses getOpenFileName(); change it to getSaveFileName();

> or the OSnap Info is not shown like in V3, when you approach an OSnap-point

Yes I know about this one - the display of text inside of viewports is one of the few remaining areas that have not been implemented quite yet in V4.

> or a crash of the V4 after several hibernation-cycles. Are you interested in those reports, and if so, where should I place them?

If some crash report files were generated, like moi_report1.zip, moi_report2.zip , etc... can you please e-mail those to me at moi@moi3d.com so I can take a look?

Thanks, - Michael