V4 beta Nov-18-2017 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.76 In reply to 8682.16 
Hi Max, thanks for all your work testing your scripts!

> 1. factory.setInput function stops with "Invalid function argument" error when
> an argument type is wrong. In fact it's not a MoI problem, but (if I understand
> clearly) v3 in this case just set input to null and don't stop a script.

Hmmm, well it looks like v3 and earlier didn't null out the input it just silently did nothing if the value couldn't be used.

This is one of those cases where it's kind of hard to decide to do, should it do what's probably the wrong thing since v3 did? But that might make it harder in the future for someone to find out their new script isn't doing what they thought it was... Maybe wait and see if it comes up with some more older scripts?

> 2. moi.geometryDatabase.findstyle function returns a wrong data when it creates a new style.

Yup, this was definitely a bug in moi.geometryDatabase.findstyle for the case where it creates a new one. Fixed for the next release.

> 3. Something wrong with moi.command.getOption function. I can't read data from moi.ini

I can't seem to reproduce this one over here, is it possible that the option isn't present in your Mac moi.ini file? moi.command.getOption() will throw an 'Operation failed' exception if there isn't any such option in there.

> 4. Interactive scripts perfarmance problem. MoI v4 18.11 works much faster than
> with 13.11, but still slower than MoI v3/4(Win) and v3.1(Mac).

This one is going to take me quite a bit of effort to analyze very well, so probably after the next beta I can take a look. It is possible that raw script performance has taken a hit with the 64-bit transition, but it will take some profiling to try and see what's going on. EDIT: maybe I should ask you to clarify - is it only the v4 Mac version where this is happening?

> 5. I noticed a rare Orientation Picker bug. Unfortunately I don't know how to reproduce it.

You probably already saw but this one's fixed too now for the next release.

> Unfortunately I can't find a way to show previews in Moi html windows. Neither
> native nor script paths doesn't work.

So you mean you want to make a tag that loads a file from the appdata directory? How about if I add support in the moi:// protocol handler so you could do moi://appdata/Objects/Filename.png as the URL, similar to how moi://ui and moi://commands URLs can be used currently.

- Michael