V4 beta Nov-18-2017 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
8682.121 In reply to 8682.119 
Hi Brian, re: JacobianFunctionGraph not working, it looks like when an exception occurs in script from the .htm file the display of the lines of code with the >>> marker in it is not accurate, so disregard that part of the error message in this case and only pay attention to the top that says "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: font".

I looked around and it seems that this function in _JacobianFunctionGraph.htm file is were the error is at, I've marked the use of setting properties on font but there does not seem to be any such object. Looks like font will be 'undefined' an you can't assign properties to 'undefined'. Maybe exceptions in .htm file code in V3 were silently ignored or something like that which is why it's different there:


			function PopulateFonts( factory )
				var FontList = factory.getFonts();
				for ( var i = 0; i < FontList.length; ++i )
					var Option = document.createElement( 'option' );
					var FontName = FontList.item(i);
					Option.text = FontName;
					Option.value = FontName;
>>>>				font.add( Option, i );
				var InitFont = 'Arial';
					var PrevFont = moi.command.getOption( 'Text.htmDefaultFont' );
					if ( PrevFont != '' )
						InitFont = PrevFont;
				catch(e) { }
>>>>			font.value = InitFont;
				text.style.fontFamily = InitFont;
			// Left out Initialize() and Shutdown() functions

- Michael