V4 beta Nov-13-2017 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
8675.57 In reply to 8675.55 
That's great Max! So one thing I've been meaning to tell you is that a couple of months back I used your node editor as the main compatibility test. Initially it didn't work on Mac and I found it was mostly because I was at that time returning back native paths from directory functions like getUIDir() etc... which was pretty different than how V3/Wineskin/Mac behaved with its pretend z:\ drive paths. So to solve that I made those functions still return Windows/Wine style z:\ drive paths still with v4. That seems easiest anyway since then scripts can just focus on handling one kind of path and work cross platform with less platform specific logic needed at least that's the idea. But I may be missing some places that should accept either one of a "script path" or a "native path".

If you do want native paths there are new functions moi.filesystem.toNativePath( path ) which will convert from a "Script path" (z:\ drive on Mac) into a native path and moi.filesystem.toScriptPath( path ) which does the reverse.

Also you've probably seen already but the Mac directory structure has changed somewhat since there's no drive_c/moi in it anymore. But on Mac getProcessDir() will return Contents/Resources and the commands and ui directories are under there so hopefully that will resemble the old structure fairly well.

If you can tell me which scripts aren't working or send them to me I'll see if I can tune up things so they work as-is hopefully. They may be exposing things that should be fixed up so other scripts in the future don't have to worry about some details like path conversions. Some other things like any layout behavior differences from the newer WebKit may need to be changed in the script though.

- Michael