A free subd to NURBS solution

 From:  PaQ
8667.38 In reply to 8667.37 
// Maybe if you ask PaQ you will be provided with much more "heavy-duty" and reliable stuff :)

Hi Marco,

Simple example like the one you provide is better ... because I didn't realize so far that there was a continuity problem :/
In fact when dealing with super simple shape, I tend to add one or 2 level of catmull clark subdivision prior the conversion, the get a shape that looks closer to the one I have in Modo.
(It`s also a lame method to get 100% quads, whatever the topology was made of)

It seems to greatly reduce the continuity problem Michael describe (but not remove it completely) ... in the other hand surfaces around valence 5 vertex looks less `smooth`.

That having said, is there any existing tool around that gives a perfect result for this kind of conversion ?
Because from memory, T-spline (fusion 360) wasn't giving much better surfaces around poles either.

Thank you Max for the update, I obviously miss (or forgot) you previous message on the subject.

I get the idea of an external tool for this job, but in the other hand, Moi has already the best mesher, having the best sds to nurbs converter would add lot's of attraction !
... but maybe it required to much R&D for a single person.