A free subd to NURBS solution

 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

> So...this mean the end of our (or my) dream to see one day the "subDiv" script fused into the Moi's core engine ?

With all due respect to Max's work, i would like to see a standalone version of a subd to NURBS solution.

Why, you never know what will happen in the future with Software solutions who work only for app x,x, or z.
Best example is T-Splines for Rhino, which Autodesk killed and then included in Fusion360. And if done right,
i would also assume that the price of MoI would increase drastically. See ViaCAD Pro when you have to buy
their subd to NURBS solution as an extra plug-in.

The person(s) who would take care of this problem *as a standalone product*, with crease edges functionality would
IMHO win the jackpot, in the 3D Industry.

Best regards