Planar Holes Finder : a script for 2D workflows!

 From:  mkdm
8646.4 In reply to 8646.3 
Hi Kartseen.

@You "...very interesting script. Maybe it can be pimped to a lasso selection..."

Yes! While writing this script I thought so too :)

Lasso selection...the "missed" thing! LOL :)

As I said this is the very first 0.1 version of the script but if you want to share your skill with me and us,
please feel free to get this script and improve it with your experimentation and ideas !

I'm not "jealous" about my scripts/commands :)

I have in mind some optimization and or improvements for this script but it could be very interesting
if you want to share what you are thinking about this script.

As a final note I can tell you that "PlanarHolesFinder" will be also very very useful in bundle with the other script that I hope to complete soon,
that is "FilterCurveByLenght".

You will see.

It's another very interesting commands very useful for 2D workflows.

Stay tuned.

We'll catch up.


- Marco (mkdm)