Planar Holes Finder : a script for 2D workflows!

 From:  Michael Gibson
8646.18 In reply to 8646.17 
Hi Marco, my suggestion for the shared point case you show there would be to not consider that to be a hole, that will be malformed geometry if you try to actually create a hole like that where a hole boundary intersects with the outer boundary. Boundaries should not be self intersecting and outer/inner boundaries should not intersect with each other. If they do then there become areas of a trimmed surface where the inside and outside regions of the surface are not well defined.

For the other part you mention:

> Furthermore also this part of the sentence is not what I want to do : "...remove those then send the rest to planarsrf to generate loops."
> Because I want to use my script to find not only "totally enclosed curves" but also "partially enclosed", that is the curves
> that intersect the boundary of the "container".

Ok, then instead of removing the intersected curves from consideration just put them also into the "captured" list but don't send them over to planarsrf.

But another problem is it sounds like you're not just looking for "holes" anymore, to make a "hole" it has to be a closed curve.

- Michael