Add Trim Point | Hotkey

 From:  Michael Gibson
8636.7 In reply to 8636.5 
Hi klaudio, also I extended it a little bit more to apply to other controls as well. So in the next beta you'll be able to set up shortcut keys that either trigger buttons in the command's UI (by giving the button's id value), and also set values for things like dropdown and checkbox controls. These are done by giving an id=value pair.

So some example shortcuts that you'll be able to set up in the next beta:

Trim addtrimpoints removekeepmode=keep

Trim addtrimpoints removekeepmode=remove

Trim isocurve isodir=u

Trim isocurve isodir=v

Line bothsides=true

Extrude tapered

For a button supplying the button's id in the command parameters will trigger the button when it is first displayed, it will be the same as if you clicked the button.

For other controls the given value will be used to initialize the control instead of the last-used or default value like normally happens.

- Michael