Rebuild dense nurbs mesh to lighter one after importing it as obj/subd (script)

 From:  Michael Gibson
8622.9 In reply to 8622.8 
Hi bartosh, I didn't think you were being rude, I'm sorry if I gave that impression.

There just isn't really the same concept of reconstructing an object in a CAD solids modeler like there is in a polygon modeler. That's why it's probably better to do that type of thing in a poly modeler instead of in MoI. For simple cases you could use the techniques others described above but that won't really work with forms that have branching structures in them.

One of the things that makes that difficult with CAD solids is that in any solids that have had booleans done on them, the object is not just made up of simple surfaces, they're made up of surfaces that have trim curves on them and different faces are glued together at those trim boundaries. There's some illustration of this in this FAQ answer here. So it's not enough to just simplify the "underlying surfaces" alone, you'd have to try and simplify them while still making them intersect with each other which is really complicated.

With a sub-d model you have a particular case where there aren't any internal trim curves, the "underlying surfaces" are all matching with each other, but that's not the normal type of model that is produced in CAD. It is the normal type of thing that's produced in a polygon modeler though so it's in a polygon modeler where you'll find the reconstruction tools for that type of data as well.

- Michael