Utility Scripts for analysis : FilterCurvesByLength

 From:  mkdm
8608.5 In reply to 8608.2 
Hi Michael.

I'm improving my script and I want to make it more "dynamic" and I need to do this thing :

Into the HTML code of the command's page I have this code :

    <td colspan=3 id="maxlensliderContainer"><moi:Slider id="maxlenslider" min="0" max="200" style="width:100%" onmousemovevaluechange="doFilter();"/></td>
    <td colspan=3 id="maxlenInputContainer"><moi:DistanceInput id="maxlen" style="width:6em;" default="1" binding="maxlenslider.value = this.value"/></td>

Well. Now I need to dynamycally change the max="200" to assign it a value that I calculated inside the "function init() {...}".

I have tried many ways but nothing worked.

For example I tried something like this :

		function renderPage() {
			maxLengthValue = 20; // I put here this statements only for example. maxLengthValue is calculated inside function init() {...}
			document.getElementById("maxlensliderContainer").innerHTML =
				"<moi:Slider id=\"maxlenslider\" min=\"0\" max=\"" + maxLengthValue + "\" style=\"width:100%\" onmousemovevaluechange=\"doFilter();\"/>";			
			return true;
<body onload="renderPage();" class="commandbody">

It seems that after executing that code the binding between the slider and the numeric input field (id="maxlen") doesn't work anymore.
(Assuming that my code at least changes in the correct way the "max=200" attribute of the slider...)

How can I do ?

Thanks for help!

I stay tuned.

Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 2 Oct 2017 by MKDM