Utility Scripts for analysis : FilterCurvesByLength

 From:  Michael Gibson
8608.2 In reply to 8608.1 
Hi Marco,

> I mean that if you enter a value in the numeric fields and press the enter key, nothing happens.
> I don't know why this happens.
> If someone knows how to manage the manual numeric input for fields please tell me :)

So the way it works is that if a numeric field has a id="" attribute set on it, then when the value is changed it will generate a UI event of that same name. So to handle that in your event loop in the .js file, look for e == 'minlen' or e == 'maxlen' and trigger an update when you see those events.

Another thing you could try is to remove the call to setInterval and instead put handlers for each slider for onmousemovevaluechange="" if you want to run something on every mouse move of the slider rather than just when the mouse is released.

- Michael