Remove tiny face on object

 From:  mkdm
8604.28 In reply to 8604.27 
@You : "...So the actual practical usage is an important factor, it's not worthwhile to put a lot of effort into optimizing things that are not causing an actual problem in real life use.

...For example if it currently takes 1 second to execute the script..."

If I want to use the script I'm attempting to create in order to cleanup a model made by thousands of curves (or edges),
specifying the length (in a range) dragging a slider, I don't think that we are talking about 1 second...I think much longer.

Anyway, I want to thank you for your suggestion and I will write here the results of my speed test of this kind of codes (loop).

Please consider that execution time in loop is very important if I want later to translate this cleanup scripts into nodes
for P. Elephant.

There, usually we drag slider to easily input values, and when you drag a slider and the code is not optimized,
the slowness is very evident.

This is what I want to do.
First write this cleanup script and then translate them for P. Elephant.

Thanks a lot for your support.

Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 29 Sep 2017 by MKDM