Remove tiny face on object

 From:  mkdm
8604.21 In reply to 8604.20 
Ok Michael.

@You : "..I'm sorry Marco but it doesn't seem very feasible to do this. It's not a good recipe for stability and robustness to have settings that dramatically alter how basic things behave..."

I understand. No problem. Thanks anyway for taking the time to reply.

@You : "...Also right now I don't understand what specific problem you're trying to solve with this...
...If you have a poorly performing script that needs quicker set information retrieval could you please post the script and describe what you're trying to do..."

Ok, so...

My main problem with the current implementation of Moi's Api is just that gathering objects information, or we can call them "meta-data",
is very slow inside loops.
This is not evident for few objects, but even with only a few dozen of objects this is particular evident.

I'm referring here to specific situations where you have to iterate many times over the same loop, for example when a slider change or a numeric input value change.

In these situation, also with my fast desktop, performance are very poor.

For example, let's say I have 100 surfaces (not so much), joined or not, and I'm running the script that should filter the surfaces based on their area.

Well, every time I simply change the input range (min and max area) the script needs to recalculate the area for each object every time
the code enter the loop.

Ok. I can agree with you that "......Indexing some information for set queries without any loops later could be possible to do in the script itself...".

It could be possible if, for example, I store all the metadata into an array when the loop is executing for the very first time, and later I could access
to that pre-calculated array instead of call Moi's Api to recalculate the same thing in each loop.

But I don't know if this could be an effective method in order to get a true improvement of script execution time.

- Marco (mkdm)