Polygon to NURBS / solids conversion

 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
8552.11 In reply to 8552.10 
Thanks Stefan. I just discovered the price of the Powerpack. It's about twice the price of MoI. I'm not convinced to buy it yet. :)

But… I just successfully converted a retopologized ZBrush mesh to a solid thanks to ImportObj and Subdiv. Brilliant work, Max, many thanks!

Any chance of continued Subdiv development, like triangle subdivision optimization? It would be fantastic if you could make a smoothly subdivided solid from a triangulated, decimated mesh, like the output of Zbrush Decimation Master or Blender's Decimate modifier.

A tip: if your mesh is fully symmetrical, import and subdivide half the mesh into MoI, then mirror and join to a solid. It will save quite some calculation time, and enable you to import larger meshes with more polygons.